Bun + Npm + Typescript + Standard Version + Flat Config Linting + Husky + Commit / Release Pipeline
This package contains < a template for devoloping for npm packages > for <brand_name>.
Check out the Changelog to see what changed in the last releases.
bun add <pkg_name>
Install Bun ( bun is the default package manager for this project ( its optional ) ):
# Supported on macOS, Linux, and WSL
curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash
# Upgrade Bun every once in a while
bun upgrage
Install Dependencies:
bun i
Watching TS Problems:
bun watch
For the Maintainer: Add NPM_TOKEN
to the GitHub Secrets.
- PR with changes
- Merge PR into main
- Checkout main
git pull
bun release: '' | alpha | beta
optionally add-- --release-as minor | major | 0.0.1
- Make sure everything looks good (e.g. in CHANGELOG.md)
- Lastly run
bun release:pub
- Done
This package is licensed - see the LICENSE file for details.