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Generate Haskell code for ChainHead
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javierdiaz72 committed Feb 14, 2025
1 parent a872e1f commit 5ba7a4a
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Showing 6 changed files with 175 additions and 4 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/agda-spec/src/Spec/Foreign/HSConsensus.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ open import Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.UpdateNonce public
open import Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.OperationalCertificate public
open import Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.Protocol public
open import Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.TickForecast public
open import Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.ChainHead public
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions docs/agda-spec/src/Spec/Foreign/HSConsensus/ChainHead.agda
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
module Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.ChainHead where

open import Spec.Foreign.ExternalFunctions

open import Foreign.Haskell.Coerce

open import Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.BaseTypes
open import Spec.ChainHead DummyCrypto DummyNonces DummyEpochStructure DummyBlockStructure DummyAbstractFunctions DummyLedgerInterface DummyRationalExtStructure

unquoteDecl = do
hsTypeAlias ChainHeadEnv

HsTy-LastAppliedBlock = autoHsType LastAppliedBlock ⊣ withConstructor "MkLastAppliedBlock"
• fieldPrefix "lab"
Conv-LastAppliedBlock = autoConvert LastAppliedBlock

HsTy-ChainHeadState = autoHsType ChainHeadState ⊣ withConstructor "MkChainHeadState"
• fieldPrefix "chs"
Conv-ChainHeadState = autoConvert ChainHeadState

module _ (ext : ExternalFunctions) where
open import Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.ExternalStructures ext hiding (BHeader)
open import Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.BlockDefinitions
open import Spec.ChainHead.Properties HSCrypto HSNonces HSEpochStructure HSBlockStructure HSAbstractFunctions HSLedgerInterface HSRationalExtStructure

chainhead-step : HsType (ChainHeadEnv ChainHeadState BHeader ComputationResult String ChainHeadState)
-- FIXME: Investigate why `A` needs to be manually supplied.
chainhead-step = to {ChainHeadEnv ChainHeadState BHeader ComputationResult String ChainHeadState} (coerce ⦃ TrustMe ⦄ $ compute Computational-CHAINHEAD)

{-# COMPILE GHC chainhead-step as chainheadStep #-}
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions docs/agda-spec/src/Spec/hs-src/Lib.hs
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Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ import MAlonzo.Code.Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.Protocol a
(PrtclEnv(..), PrtclState(..), prtclStep, prtclDebug, PoolDistr)
import MAlonzo.Code.Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.TickForecast as X
(tickfStep, NewEpochState)
import MAlonzo.Code.Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.ChainHead as X
(ChainHeadEnv, ChainHeadState(..), LastAppliedBlock(..), chainheadStep)
import MAlonzo.Code.Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.BaseTypes as X
(Slot, Epoch, KeyHashS, KeyHashV)
import MAlonzo.Code.Spec.Foreign.ExternalFunctions as X
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ test-suite test
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136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions docs/agda-spec/src/Spec/hs-src/test/ChainHeadSpec.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
module ChainHeadSpec (spec) where

import Data.Text

import Test.Hspec ( Spec, describe, it )
import Test.HUnit ( (@?=) )

import Lib

(.->) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
(.->) = (,)

che :: ChainHeadEnv
che = 123

lab :: LastAppliedBlock
lab = MkLastAppliedBlock
{ labBℓ = 0
, labSℓ = 0
, labH = 2

chs :: ChainHeadState
chs = MkChainHeadState
{ chsCs = MkHSMap [ 457 .-> 233 , 999 .-> 888 ]
, chsΗ₀ = 3
, chsΗv = 4
, chsΗc = 2
, chsΗh = 4
, chsLab = Just lab

oc :: OCert
oc = MkOCert
{ ocVkₕ = 123
, ocN = 234
, ocC₀ = 0
, ocΣ = 345

bhb :: BHBody
bhb = MkBHBody
{ bhbPrevHeader = Just 2
, bhbIssuerVk = 456
, bhbVrfVk = 567
, bhbBlockNo = 1
, bhbSlot = 2
, bhbVrfRes = 678
, bhbVrfPrf = 789
, bhbBodySize = 1
, bhbBodyHash = 890
, bhbOc = oc
, bhbPv = (1, 0)

bh :: BHeader
bh = MkBHeader
{ bhBody = bhb
, bhSig = 901

lab' :: LastAppliedBlock
lab' = MkLastAppliedBlock
{ labBℓ = 1
, labSℓ = 2
, labH = 2

chs' :: ChainHeadState
chs' = MkChainHeadState
{ chsCs = MkHSMap [ 457 .-> 234 , 999 .-> 888 ]
, chsΗ₀ = 3
, chsΗv = 5
, chsΗc = 5
, chsΗh = 4
, chsLab = Just lab'

NOTE: Why should this test succeed? Here's the explanation:
nes = 123
lab = Just ⟦ 0 , 0 , 2 ⟧ℓ
cs = [ 457 .-> 233 , 999 .-> 888 ]
⟦ cs , η₀ , ηv , ηc , ηh , lab ⟧ᶜˢ = ⟦ cs , 3 , 4 , 2 , 4 , lab ⟧ᶜˢ
_ ⊢ nes ⇀⦇ slot ,TICKF⦈ forecast <===> _ ⊢ 123 ⇀⦇ 2 ,TICKF⦈ 126 <===> True
lastAppliedHash lab = lastAppliedHash (Just ⟦ 0 , 0 , 2 ⟧ℓ) = Just 2
e₁ = getEpoch nes = getEpoch 123 = 1
e₂ = getEpoch forecast = getEpoch 126 = 1
ne = (e₁ ≠ e₂) = (1 ≠ 1) = False
pp = getPParams forecast = getPParams 126 = { maxHeaderSize = 1; maxBlockSize = 2; pv = (1 , 0) }
nₚₕ = prevHashToNonce (lastAppliedHash lab) = prevHashToNonce 2 = 0
pd = getPoolDistr forecast = getPoolDistr 126 = ❴ 457 , (1 / 3 , 568) ❵
lab′ = Just ⟦ blockNo , slot , headerHash bh ⟧ℓ = Just ⟦ 1 , 2 , 2 ⟧ℓ
prtlSeqChecks lab bh = prtlSeqChecks (just ⟦ 0 , 0 , 2 ⟧ℓ) bh = 0 < 2 × 0 + 1 ≡ 1 × Just 2 ≡ Just 2 = True
chainChecks MaxMajorPV (pp .maxHeaderSize , pp .maxBlockSize , pp .pv) bh
= chainChecks 1 (1 , 2 , (1 , 0)) bh
= 1 ≤ 1 × 1 ≤ 1 × 1 ≤ 2
= True
⟦ ηc , nₚₕ ⟧ᵗᵉ ⊢ ⟦ η₀ , ηh ⟧ᵗˢ ⇀⦇ ne ,TICKN⦈ ⟦ η₀′ , ηh′ ⟧ᵗˢ
⟦ 2 , 0 ⟧ᵗᵉ ⊢ ⟦ 3 , 4 ⟧ᵗˢ ⇀⦇ False ,TICKN⦈ ⟦ 3 , 4 ⟧ᵗˢ
⟦ pd , η₀′ ⟧ᵖᵉ ⊢ ⟦ cs , ηv , ηc ⟧ᵖˢ ⇀⦇ bh ,PRTCL⦈ ⟦ cs′ , ηv′ , ηc′ ⟧ᵖˢ
⟦ ❴ 457 , (1 / 3 , 568) ❵ , 3 ⟧ᵖᵉ ⊢ ⟦ cs , 4 , 2 ⟧ᵖˢ ⇀⦇ bh ,PRTCL⦈ ⟦ [ 457 .-> 234 , 999 .-> 888 ] , 5 , 5 ⟧ᵖˢ
nes ⊢ ⟦ cs , η₀ , ηv , ηc , ηh , lab ⟧ᶜˢ ⇀⦇ bh ,CHAINHEAD⦈ ⟦ cs′ , η₀′ , ηv′ , ηc′ , ηh′ , lab′ ⟧ᶜˢ
123 ⊢
⟦ [ 457 .-> 233 , 999 .-> 888 ] , 3 , 4 , 2 , 4 , Just ⟦ 0 , 0 , 2 ⟧ℓ ⟧ᶜˢ
⟦ [ 457 .-> 234 , 999 .-> 888 ] , 3 , 5 , 2 , 4 , Just ⟦ 1 , 2 , 2 ⟧ℓ ⟧ᶜˢ

spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "chainheadStep" $ do
it "chainheadStep results in the expected state" $
chainheadStep dummyExternalFunctions che chs bh @?= Success chs'
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions docs/agda-spec/src/Spec/hs-src/test/ProtocolSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ ps :: PrtclState
ps = MkPrtclState
{ psCs = MkHSMap [ hk .-> 233 , 999 .-> 888 ]
, psΗv = 3
, psΗc = 4
, psΗc = 5

oc :: OCert
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ hkv = 568

ps' :: PrtclState
ps' = MkPrtclState
{ psCs = MkHSMap [(457, 234), (999, 888)],
{ psCs = MkHSMap [(hk, 234), (999, 888)],
psΗv = 4,
psΗc = 4
Expand All @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ ps' = MkPrtclState
= id 1
= 1
∙ ⟦ 1 ⟧ᵘᵉ ⊢ ⟦ 3 , 4 ⟧ᵘˢ ⇀⦇ 0 ,UPDN⦈ ⟦ 3 + 1 , 4 ⟧ᵘˢ
∙ ⟦ 1 ⟧ᵘᵉ ⊢ ⟦ 3 , 5 ⟧ᵘˢ ⇀⦇ 0 ,UPDN⦈ ⟦ 3 + 1 , 3 + 1 ⟧ᵘˢ
∙ { hk } ⊢ [ hk .-> 233 , 999 .-> 888 ] ⇀⦇ bh ,OCERT⦈ [ hk .-> 234 , 999 .-> 888 ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ ps' = MkPrtclState
= 0
⟦ pd , 2 ⟧ᵖᵉ ⊢ ⟦ [ hk .-> 233 , 999 .-> 888 ] , 3 , 4 ⟧ᵖˢ ⇀⦇ bh ,PRTCL⦈ ⟦ [ hk .-> 234 , 999 .-> 888 ] , 4 , 4 ⟧ᵖˢ
⟦ pd , 2 ⟧ᵖᵉ ⊢ ⟦ [ hk .-> 233 , 999 .-> 888 ] , 3 , 5 ⟧ᵖˢ ⇀⦇ bh ,PRTCL⦈ ⟦ [ hk .-> 234 , 999 .-> 888 ] , 4 , 4 ⟧ᵖˢ

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