Create a new branch out of master
Do not create pull requests to master branch
Create a fork of this project, make and commit changes and send us the url to the fork
- Visual Studio 2002 or VS Code or Jetbrains Rider
- .NET 8
- Repository: add an employee to the list
- Repository: get all employees
- Repository: get an employee by id
- Repository: change the salary of an employee
- Repository: retrieve the names of employees in the given department whose salary is above given number, ordered by name (use LINQ query) (example: "IT" department and salary > 50,000)
- WebAPI to get an employee by id
- WebAPI to change the salary of an employee
- WebAPI to get employees by department and salary
- Service: download the file asyncronously from the given url to the StorageFolder
- Bootstrap: register FileDownloadService service
- WebAPI to download a file
- HTTP Test: add tests to CSharpTest.http
- Bootstrap: register StringService service
- Service: add a method to reverse a sentence and capitalize all vowels in the reversed sentence
- Unit Test: add a test for the Reverse method (at least 3 tests)
- WebAPI to test Reverse method
- Service: implement the Singleton design pattern in a class ApplicationSettings
- Bonus 1. Repository: add multiple employees to the list
- Bonus 2. WebAPI add multiple employees to the list (plus tests in CSharpTest.http)