General guidelines can be found here in the GitHub documentation.
🤔 Not sure which one to start with ? You can have a look on this table giving the work progress status for each pipeline. This will help choosing the one that best suits you!
Need more information ? You can have a look to the pipeline description here. Also feel free to use the narps_open.utils.description
module of the project, as described in the documentation.
When you are ready, start an issue and choose Pipeline reproduction!
We created templates with modifications to make and holes to fill to create a pipeline. You can find them in narps_open/pipelines/templates
If you feel it could be better explained, do not hesitate to suggest modifications for the templates.
Feel free to have a look to the following pipelines, these are examples :
team_id | softwares | fmriprep used ? | pipeline file |
2T6S | SPM | Yes | /narps_open/pipelines/ |
X19V | FSL | Yes | /narps_open/pipelines/ |
A fantastic tool named Giraffe is available. It allows you to create a graph of your pipeline using NiPype functions but without coding! Just save your NiPype script in a .py file and send it as a new issue, we will convert this script to a script which works with our specific parameters.
Issues are very important for this project. If you want to contribute, you can either comment an existing issue or proposing a new issue.
To answer an existing issue, make a new comment with the following information:
- Your name and/or github username
- The step you want to contribute to
- The approximate time needed
In order to start a new issue, click here and choose the type of issue you want:
- Feature request if you aim at improving the project with your ideas ;
- Bug report if you encounter a problem or identified a bug ;
- Classic issue to ask question, give feedbacks...
Some issues are (probably) already open, please browse them before starting a new one. If your issue was already reported, you may want complete it with details or other circumstances in which a problem appear.
Pull requests are the best way to get your ideas into this repository and to solve the problems as fast as possible.
Create a separate branch for each issue you're working on. Do not make changes to the default branch (e.g. master, develop) of your fork.
Push your code as soon as possible.
Once you pushed your first lines of code to the branch in your fork, visit this page to start creating a PR for the NARPS Open Pipelines project.
Continue writing your code and push to the same branch. Make sure you perform all the items of the PR checklist.
Once your PR is ready, you may add a reviewer to your PR, as described here in the GitHub documentation.
Please turn your Draft Pull Request into a "regular" Pull Request, by clicking Ready for review in the Pull Request page.
👋 Thank you in advance for contributing to the project!