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File metadata and controls

107 lines (97 loc) · 7.69 KB

Access the descriptions of NARPS teams pipelines

The file narps_open/data/description/analysis_pipelines_full_descriptions.tsv contains the description provided by each team participating to NARPS. It is a conversion into tsv format (tab-separated values) of the original .xlsx file published in NARPS, which allows easier parsing with python.

The file narps_open/data/description/analysis_pipelines_derived_descriptions.tsv contains for each team a set of programmatically usable data based on the textual descriptions of the previous file. This data is available in the derived sub dictionary (see examples hereafter).

The class TeamDescription of module acts as a parser for these two files.

You can use the command-line tool as so. Option -t is for the team id, option -d allows to print only one of the sub parts of the description among : general, exclusions, preprocessing, analysis, and categorized_for_analysis. Options --json and --md allow to choose the export format you prefer between JSON and Markdown.

python narps_open/data/description -h
# usage: [-h] -t TEAM [-d {general,exclusions,preprocessing,analysis,categorized_for_analysis,derived}]
# Get description of a NARPS pipeline.
# options:
#   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
#   -t TEAM, --team TEAM  the team ID
#   -d {general,exclusions,preprocessing,analysis,categorized_for_analysis,derived}, --dictionary {general,exclusions,preprocessing,analysis,categorized_for_analysis,derived}
#                         the sub dictionary of team description
#  --json                output team description as JSON
#  --md                  output team description as Markdown

python narps_open/data/description -t 2T6S --json
# {
#     "general.teamID": "2T6S",
#     "general.NV_collection_link": "",
#     "general.results_comments": "NA",
#     "general.preregistered": "No",
#     "general.link_preregistration_form": "We did not pre-register our analysis.",
#     "general.regions_definition": "We employed the pre-hypothesized brain regions (vmPFC, vSTR, and amygdala) from Barta, McGuire, and Kable (2010, Neuroimage). Specific MNI coordinates are:\nvmPFC: x = 2, y = 46, z = -8\nleft vSTR: x = -12, y = 12, z = -6, right vSTR = x = 12, y = 10, z = -6\n(right) Amygdala: x = 24, y = -4, z = -18",
#     "general.softwares": "SPM12 , \nfmriprep 1.1.4",
#     "exclusions.n_participants": "108",
#     "exclusions.exclusions_details": "We did not exclude any participant in the analysis",
#     "preprocessing.used_fmriprep_data": "Yes",
#     "preprocessing.preprocessing_order": "We used the provided preprocessed data by fMRIPprep 1.1.4 (Esteban, Markiewicz, et al. (2018); Esteban, Blair, et al. (2018); RRID:SCR_016216), which is based on Nipype 1.1.1 (Gorgolewski et al. (2011); Gorgolewski et al. (2018); RRID:SCR_002502) and we additionally conducted a spatial smoothing using the provided preprocessed data set and SPM12. Here, we attach the preprocessing steps described in the provided data set. \nAnatomical data preprocessing\nThe T1-weighted (T1w) image was corrected for intensity non-uniformity (INU) using N4BiasFieldCorrection (Tustison et al. 2010, ANTs 2.2.0), and used as T1w-reference throughout the workflow. The T1w-reference was then skull-stripped using (ANTs 2.2.0), using OASIS as target template. Brain surfaces we
# ...

python narps_open/data/description -t 2T6S -d general --json
# {
#    "teamID": "2T6S",
#    "NV_collection_link": "",
#    "results_comments": "NA",
#    "preregistered": "No",
#    "link_preregistration_form": "We did not pre-register our analysis.",
#    "regions_definition": "We employed the pre-hypothesized brain regions (vmPFC, vSTR, and amygdala) from Barta, McGuire, and Kable (2010, Neuroimage). Specific MNI coordinates are:\nvmPFC: x = 2, y = 46, z = -8\nleft vSTR: x = -12, y = 12, z = -6, right vSTR = x = 12, y = 10, z = -6\n(right) Amygdala: x = 24, y = -4, z = -18",
#    "softwares": "SPM12 , \nfmriprep 1.1.4",
#    "general_comments": "NA"
# }

python narps_open/data/description -t 2T6S --md
# # NARPS team description : 2T6S
# ## General
# * `teamID` : 2T6S
# * `NV_collection_link` :
# * `results_comments` : NA
# * `preregistered` : No
# * `link_preregistration_form` : We did not pre-register our analysis.
# * `regions_definition` : We employed the pre-hypothesized brain regions (vmPFC, vSTR, and amygdala) from Barta, McGuire, and Kable (2010, Neuroimage). Specific MNI coordinates are:
# vmPFC: x = 2, y = 46, z = -8
# left vSTR: x = -12, y = 12, z = -6, right vSTR = x = 12, y = 10, z = -6
# (right) Amygdala: x = 24, y = -4, z = -18
# * `softwares` : SPM12 , 
# fmriprep 1.1.4
# * `general_comments` : NA
# ## Exclusions
# * `n_participants` : 108
# * `exclusions_details` : We did not exclude any participant in the analysis
# ## Preprocessing
# * `used_fmriprep_data` : Yes
# * `preprocessing_order` : We used the provided preprocessed data by fMRIPprep 1.1.4 (Esteban, Markiewicz, et al. (2018); Esteban, Blair, et al. (2018); RRID:SCR_016216), which is based on Nipype 1.1.1 (Gorgolewski et al. (2011); Gorgolewski et al. (2018); RRID:SCR_002502) and we additionally conducted a spatial smoothing using the provided preprocessed data set and SPM12. Here, we attach the preprocessing steps described in the provided data set. 
# Anatomical data preprocessing
# ...

Of course the module is accessible programmatically, here is an example on how to use it:

from import TeamDescription
description = TeamDescription('2T6S') # Set the id of the team here
# Access the object as a dict
# Access sub dictionaries
# Access values of sub dictionaries
# Other keys in general are: ['teamID', 'NV_collection_link', 'results_comments', 'preregistered', 'link_preregistration_form', 'regions_definition', 'softwares', 'general_comments']
# Other keys in exclusions are: ['n_participants', 'exclusions_details']
# Other keys in preprocessing are: ['used_fmriprep_data', 'preprocessing_order', 'brain_extraction', 'segmentation', 'slice_time_correction', 'motion_correction', 'motion', 'gradient_distortion_correction', 'intra_subject_coreg', 'distortion_correction', 'inter_subject_reg', 'intensity_correction', 'intensity_normalization', 'noise_removal', 'volume_censoring', 'spatial_smoothing', 'preprocessing_comments']
# Other keys in analysis are: ['data_submitted_to_model', 'spatial_region_modeled', 'independent_vars_first_level', 'RT_modeling', 'movement_modeling', 'independent_vars_higher_level', 'model_type', 'model_settings', 'inference_contrast_effect', 'search_region', 'statistic_type', 'pval_computation', 'multiple_testing_correction', 'comments_analysis']
# Other keys in categorized_for_analysis are: ['region_definition_vmpfc', 'region_definition_striatum', 'region_definition_amygdala', 'analysis_SW', 'analysis_SW_with_version', 'smoothing_coef', 'testing', 'testing_thresh', 'correction_method', 'correction_thresh_']
# Other keys in derived are: ['n_participants', 'excluded_participants', 'func_fwhm', 'con_fwhm']