Ruby gem to make requests to Veda IDmatrix identification verification service. Website:
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'veda_idmatrix'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Then run install generator:
rails g veda_idmatrix:install
Then run migrations:
rake db:migrate
request = VedaIdmatrix::Request.create(ref_id: 123, access: access_hash, entity: entity_hash, enquiry: enquiry_hash)
Attributes for access_hash:
:url => config["url"],
:access_code => config["access_code"],
:password => config["password"]
Attributes for entity_hash:
:family_name => "Potter",
:first_given_name => "James",
:other_given_name => "Harry",
:date_of_birth => "1980-07-31",
:gender => "male",
:current_address => {
:property => "Potter Manor",
:unit_number => "3",
:street_number => "4",
:street_name => "Privet",
:street_type => "Drive",
:suburb => "Little Whinging",
:state => "NSW",
:postcode => "2999"
:home_phone_number => "0312345678",
:mobile_phone_number => "0487654321",
:email_address => "[email protected]",
:drivers_licence_state_code => "NSW",
:drivers_licence_number => "1234567890",
:drivers_licence_card_number => "1234567890",
:passport_country_code => "AUS",
:passport_number => "1234567890"
if unformatted address is present as below it will be used instead of the formatted address above
:current_address => {:unformatted_address => "Potter Manor 3/4 Privet Drive Little Whinging NSW 2999"}
Attributes for enquiry_hash
:client_reference => "123456",
:reason_for_enquiry => "Test"
request.access - Access Hash
request.entity - Entity Hash
request.soap - Soap envelope of request
request.xml - XML message body of request - Post to Veda Idmatrix
post =
response = VedaIdmatrix::Response.create(xml: post.body, headers: post.headers, code: post.code, success: post.success?, request_id:
response.as_hash - Hash of whole response
response.xml - XML of response
response.code - Response status code
response.headers - Response headers
response.success? - Returns true or false (based on Httparty response)
response.error - Response errors if any
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - See dev.rb file in root
- Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request