InSync is an android app that allows a user to keep in touch with their circle of family/ friends by viewing their calendars, scheduling events and tracking their availablity and locations in real time.
The following required functionality will be completed:
- User can login and can create an account.
- User can search for other users by username
- User can create a group and add people to that group
- User can create an event with the following functionality:
- Event Name and Description
- Date, time, location
- Attendees
- [] Invite message
- Partipants in an event can communicate via instant messages.
- Users will get event reminders.
- [] Users can share pictures/ video of the event in the chat.
- After the event, an album will be created which users can download. Optional: The album will expire after one week.
- Users can see the location of the partipants in real time some time before the event.
- Host can choose if the location tracker and invitee list is visible to the contacts or not.
The following optional features can be implemented:
- [] User can send an invite link to their contacts
- User can search for other users by phone number
- User can upload a profile image.
- [] User with admin permissions can invite others to the group.
- [] Both host and invitee can choose the visibility level of their calendar for the particular event.
- Host can add an Event image
- [] User can assign a co-host.
- [] Host/ admin can edit/ cancel an event.
- [] User with RSVP will get a choice if they want to continue receiving event updates.
- In location tracker, user can see the location with a pin and profile image.
- [] Host can create a poll to ask invitee preferences for example meal preferences.
- Send reminders/ nudges to people to RSVP.
- [] Location based and time based camera images will be added to the group directly, user can disable this feature
The following bonus features can be implemented:
- Create a highlights video at the end of the event.
- [] App walkthrough screens
##Video Walkthrough
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories: First sprint
Second sprint (Added location and camera) Copyright [2017] [Insync Inc]
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.