Tugas Besar 1 IF2210 - Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek
Programming Language (version): C++ Programming Language
No. | Penerapan Konsep OOP | Ya | Tidak |
1. | Inheritance & Polymorphism | ✓ | |
2. | Exception dan Exception Handling | ✓ | |
3. | Function Overloading dan Operator Overloading | ✓ | |
4. | Abstract Class dan Virtual Function | ✓ | |
5. | Generic Function atau Generic Class | ✓ | |
6. | STL (Standard Template Library) | ✓ |
Clone the repository to your local machine
git clone https://github.com/ImanuelSG/N30-Walaoeh.git`
Run the program
If you are using Windows, you must install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and install Ubuntu from Microsoft Store and if you are using Linux, you can directly run the program using the following command:
make all
NIM | Nama |
10023608 | Tazkirah Amaliah |
13522042 | Amalia Putri |
13522048 | Angelica Kierra Ninta Gurning |
13522058 | Imanuel Sebastian Girsang |
13522080 | Julian Chandra Sutadi |
13522108 | Muhammad Neo Cicero Koda |
└── N30-Walaoeh
├── bin
│ ├── CommandManager
│ ├── Exception
│ ├── GameWorld
│ ├── Pemain
│ ├── Toko
│ | └── Sellable
| | ├── Bangunan
| | ├── Hewan
| | ├── Produk
| | └── Tanaman
│ └── Utils
├── doc
│ └── IF2210_TB1_Laporan_N3O.pdf
├── src
│ └── Libs
│ | ├── CommandManager
│ | ├── Exception
│ | ├── GameWorld
│ | ├── Pemain
│ | ├── Toko
│ | | └── Sellable
| | | | ├── Bangunan
| | | | ├── Hewan
| | | | ├── Produk
| | | | └── Tanaman
│ | | └── Utils
│ └── main.cpp
├── test
│ ├── Input
| └── Ouput
├── uniTest
├── Makefile
└── README.md