Welcome to EventHorizon, a comprehensive event management platform built with the latest web development technologies. Designed using Next.js 14, EventHorizon provides a seamless and powerful experience for both event organizers and attendees. It serves as a hub.Your one-stop platform for events of all kinds, happening all over the world.
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
- Stripe
- Zod
- React Hook Form
- Shadcn
- uploadthing
Event CRUD Operations: Create, read, update, and delete events with ease, granting users complete control over their events.
- Event Creation: Effortlessly generate new events, providing essential details like title, date, location, and any additional information.
- Event Discovery: Seamlessly browse and explore a comprehensive list of events, allowing users to delve into details like descriptions, schedules, and related information.
- Event Updates: Dynamically modify event details to ensure information remains accurate and up-to-date, keeping attendees informed.
- Event Deletion: Remove events from the system in a straightforward manner, empowering administrators to curate the platform effectively.
Intelligent Event Relations: Enhance user engagement by smartly connecting related events within the event details page.
Organized User Events: Efficiently organize events created by a user within their profile, ensuring a structured and user-friendly experience.
Powerful Search and Filtering: Empower users to find events that align with their interests with a robust search and filter system.
Customizable Categories: Adapt and grow your platform by dynamically adding new event categories.
Stripe Integration for Payments: Integrate with Stripe to provide a smooth and secure checkout process for event ticket purchases.
Order Management: Track and manage all event-related transactions through a comprehensive order management system.
Searchable Orders: Quickly and efficiently search for orders using the intuitive search functionality.
And much more! EventHorizon offers a wide range of additional features, along with a well-structured codebase that promotes reusability and maintainability.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Iamankit45/event-horizon.git
Go to the project directory
cd eventhorizon
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
Set Up Environment Variables