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Attack Graphs Plugin for

AttackGraphs Icon

Installation and User Guide

Please find the detailed documentation here.

The browser-based version can be launched here.

Technical Documentation

Information for Desktop users

When adding the plugin file, it is copied into %APPDATA%\\plugins (on Windows), ~/.config/ (on Linux), or ~/Library/Application\ Support/ (on Mac). By updating the attackgraphs.js in this location, you can avoid removing and re-adding new versions of the plugin using the GUI.


This is a standard npm project using Typescript to produce a single script artifact under dist/attackgraphs.js.

Required dependencies

The following dependencies must be installed on the development environment:

  • npm (for building the plugin)
  • Docker (for running the tests)

Docker is used to spin-up a webserver with and the attack graphs plugin installed on it. If the tests are never executed on the development environment (which is discouraged), Docker is not necessarily needed.

Building the plugin

Use npm install to download all build dependencies. Afterward, use npm run build to build a production-ready version of the plugin.

If you want that webpack builds a new artifact of the plugin every time a source file changes, use the command npm run watch. This will also set the __DEVELOPMENT__ constant to true which allows to dis-/enable code depending on production and development environment. The artifacts are saved at the same location as when building the plugin using npm run build.

Starting a development webserver

A development webserver can be started with the help of Docker. Use npm run docker to build a Docker image first. After you built the plugin, use npm start to deploy a container with the web app and plugin installed. Then, open http://localhost:8000 and configure the plugin if it's not yet enabled (Extras > Plugins... > Add... > Custom... > plugins/attackgraphs.js > Add > Apply > Reload).

Note for Windows: the npm scripts are written for bash. However, npm uses cmd.exe by default. If you have git for windows installed, you can use the following command to set bash as the default shell for scripts:

npm config set script-shell "C:\\Program Files\\git\\bin\\bash.exe"


For testing the plugin, the Playwright framework is used. Playwright is automatically installed when installing the build dependencies with npm install.

After installing (npm install) or updating (npm update) the build dependencies, Playwright must install some dependencies for itself as well. This can be done by executing the following command:

npx playwright install --with-deps

To run the included Playwright tests, a webserver with installed is needed. Start one by executing npm start (uses the Docker image created prior with npm run docker). After the webserver started, the tests can be run using the following command:

npm run test


Markus Heinrich – [email protected]