Files and drivers required to use the equipment.
Requirements: dotnet 3.5
PL2303 driver version working with windows 11: v3.9.5 (2023)
start esp301 gui via USB
set remote mode
close esp301 gui
connect visa with usb com port or RS232
sent command with \r
This labview driver seems to be official, but the labview we got from Newport website is in folder Labview firmware, which differs a lot from Labview driver. The Labview driver is way more detailed and complete.
Baudrate: 19200
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: None
Flow control: RTS/CTS
Timeout: 5000
Terminator: carriage return constant \r
visa flush io buffer
mask 16: xC0
visa set io buffer size
mask 16: x30