Enabled Zenodo integration
Update AMICI to 0.10.13
Setup docker image for use with charliecloud (#182 )
Cleanup misc/, remove obsolete warning
Update reference; add funding section to README
Add parPE logo (#195 )
Show only interesting lines from /proc/self/status
Update FAQ
Disable building tests by default
CLI option to show supported optimizers (Closes #169 )
Enable CLI starting point index selection for OptimizationApplication
Add script to read final parameter vectors from parPE (multi-start) optimization result file and write to TSV file
Add AMICI version and script invocation to generated hdf5 file
Add gradient check to snakefile
Fix: Ensure rdata->numstepsB has elements before access (segfault with forward sensitivities)
Fix parameter indexing for generating example data
Add doc/
Document HDF5 output file format (Closes #175 )
Add worfklow figure
Add ../doc/ describing PEtab model import (Closes #168 )
Pass H5File as const&, not as Id which will implicitely call H5File which requires HDF5 mutex locking.
Extend, split, update steadystate example notebooks (#171 )
Ensure hdf5 mutex lock when using AMICI hdf5 helper functions (Closes #167 )
Keep fixed parameters out of /parameters/parameterNames in HDF5 file, which should only contain optimization parameters
Update readme: Add coinhsl instructions
Fix HDF5 file generation after PEtab update: do not add AMICI fixed parameters to optmization parameters
Add scaffold for generation of LoadLeveler job files
Add snakemake scaffold for PEtab...analysis
Update PEtab parameter mapping to allow for condition specific scaling etc.
Update benchmark collection scripts, add Snakefile
Add basic data analysis Snakefile
Update plotting functions and example notebook
Use condition-specific parameter scales (#161 )
Remove obsolete test files
Remove cpputest remnants
Update Ipopt install script to 3.12.12, cleanup
Remove work-around for non-threadsafe adjoints
Gradient check tolerance relative to objective function values to reduce number of test failures (Closes #80 )
Reenable CERES parameter_tolerance option
PEtab: Add support for non-constant parameter overrides in condition table (Closes #158 ); support non-gaussian noise
Use HDF5 C++ interface; cleanup.
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