Welcome to my world of data, code, and innovation! 🌟
- 🔭 I'm currently working on freelancing projects.
- 🌱 I'm currently learning CI/CD technologies (Dagger).
- 👯 I'm looking to collaborate on Data and AI projects.
- 🤔 I'm looking for help with Cloudflare and Network stuff.
- 💬 Ask me about AI
and how the AI will take our jobs in the next years. - 📫 How to reach me: Look at the bottom of this readme!
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- ⚡ Fun Fact: I love music. Any music. Try me.
The almost full list of the technologies I use for every day projects. Explanation:
- Advanced 🚀: I worked in several personal and industrial projects. I can use and lead teams in this tech.
- Intermediate 🧐: I worked in decent amount of personal and industrial projects. I can comfortable use this tech.
- Emerging 🌱: I worked in some personal and industrial projects. I can comfortable use this tech on projects with spikes of learning.
Topic | Technologies | Level |
🐍Python Programming | Functional and Object-Oriented Programming | 🚀 Adv |
Desktop User Interfaces | 🚀 Adv | |
Application Testing | 🌱 Emer | |
🧪Data Science and Data Analytics | Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Polars | 🚀 Adv |
ScikitLearn and XGBoost | 🚀 Adv | |
Tensorflow, Pytorch, Keras Core, Lightning | 🚀 Adv | |
SQL Databases | 🧐 Int | |
PowerBI, Looker Studio | 🌱 Emer | |
👁🗨Computer Vision | OpenCV, Scikit-Image, Pillow | 🚀 Adv |
Object Detection, Image Segmentation, Custom Image Models | 🚀 Adv | |
IP Camera Protocols, FFMPEG | 🌱 Emer | |
🛠️DevOps | Containers with Docker and Docker Compose | 🧐 Int |
Version Control with Git, Github, and Gitlab | 🧐 Int | |
Clusters with Kubernetes | 🌱 Emer | |
CI/CD with Github Actions and Dagger | 🌱 Emer | |
🖼️Frontend Technologies | HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Typescript | 🧐 Int |
Frameworks with Vue3, React, and Astro | 🌱 Emer | |
🌐Backend Technologies | Technologies with Flask, FastAPI, and Uvicorn | 🧐 Int |
Migration technologies with Alembic | 🧐 Int | |
Caching technologies with Redis | 🧐 Int | |
➕Additional Skills | Cloud Computing with AWS and OCI | 🧐 Int |
MLOps with WandB, Hugging Faces, and ClearML | 🧐 Int | |
Scientific Programming with MatLab | 🌱 Emer | |
Scrum Framework for Agile Methodology | 🌱 Emer |
Experience a customized Chatbot Resume powered by Langchain for LLM pipeline development and a stack of cutting-edge technologies. Ask him anything about my professional and technical expertise!
Test it here!
See the article here!
See Frontend Repo here and Backend Repo here
Important Disclaimer : During the development of this project, OpenAI announced GPT's, so in order to save cloud resources, you can test the chatbot hosted a mock response redirecting to GPT's here. Read the article for comparisons and implementation details.
Project | Try It | Project Explanation | Technology |
📜 Quote Generator | Try it here! (Soon) | Project Explanation | Natural Language Processing (NLP) |
🌦️ Weather Data Analysis | Try it here! (Soon) | Project Explanation | Data Analysis, Time Series Prediction |
💱 Currency Exchange Rate | Try it here! (Soon) | Project Explanation | Data Analysis, Currency Conversion |
📰 News Sentiment Analysis | Try it here! (Soon) | Project Explanation | Natural Language Processing (NLP) |
🐱🐶 Random Cat/Dog Image | Try it here! (Soon) | Project Explanation | Computer Vision, Image Classification |
🌌 Astronomy Picture of the Day | Try it here! (Soon) | Project Explanation | Astronomy, Image Analysis |
😂 Joke Classifier | Try it here! (Soon) | Project Explanation | Natural Language Processing (NLP) |
I use to share some interesting content about tech. And I'm friendly too!
- LinkedIn: Let's Connect!
- X (ex Twitter): Say Hi on X!