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РРТ + лицензия (AdventureTimeSS14#166)
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<!-- ЭТО ШАБЛОН ВАШЕГО PULL REQUEST. Текст между стрелками - это
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## Описание PR
По просьбе Швондера и Петра добавил лицензию с фронтира. Она начинает
действовать после этого пулла. Также добавил РРТ - аналог РСУ для
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этого не требует.

:cl: KashRas2
- add: Добавлен РРТ. Теперь атмосы стали намного лучше.
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Например: :cl: Ian



Co-authored-by: KashRas2 <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
KashRas2 and KashRas authored Aug 2, 2024
1 parent 11e041d commit 8bc6168
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Showing 95 changed files with 3,023 additions and 40 deletions.
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions Content.Client/ADT/RPD/AlignRPDConstruction.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
using System.Numerics;
using Content.Client.Gameplay;
using Content.Shared.Hands.Components;
using Content.Shared.Interaction;
using Content.Shared.ADT.RPD.Components;
using Content.Shared.ADT.RPD.Systems;
using Robust.Client.Placement;
using Robust.Client.Player;
using Robust.Client.State;
using Robust.Shared.Map;
using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;

namespace Content.Client.ADT.RPD;

public sealed class AlignRPDConstruction : PlacementMode
[Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entityManager = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly IMapManager _mapManager = default!;
private readonly SharedMapSystem _mapSystem;
private readonly RPDSystem _rpdSystem;
private readonly SharedTransformSystem _transformSystem;
[Dependency] private readonly IPlayerManager _playerManager = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly IStateManager _stateManager = default!;

private const float SearchBoxSize = 2f;
private const float PlaceColorBaseAlpha = 0.5f;

private EntityCoordinates _unalignedMouseCoords = default;

/// <summary>
/// This placement mode is not on the engine because it is content specific (i.e., for the RPD)
/// </summary>
public AlignRPDConstruction(PlacementManager pMan) : base(pMan)
_mapSystem = _entityManager.System<SharedMapSystem>();
_rpdSystem = _entityManager.System<RPDSystem>();
_transformSystem = _entityManager.System<SharedTransformSystem>();

ValidPlaceColor = ValidPlaceColor.WithAlpha(PlaceColorBaseAlpha);

public override void AlignPlacementMode(ScreenCoordinates mouseScreen)
_unalignedMouseCoords = ScreenToCursorGrid(mouseScreen);
MouseCoords = _unalignedMouseCoords.AlignWithClosestGridTile(SearchBoxSize, _entityManager, _mapManager);

var gridId = MouseCoords.GetGridUid(_entityManager);

if (!_entityManager.TryGetComponent<MapGridComponent>(gridId, out var mapGrid))

CurrentTile = _mapSystem.GetTileRef(gridId.Value, mapGrid, MouseCoords);

float tileSize = mapGrid.TileSize;
GridDistancing = tileSize;

if (pManager.CurrentPermission!.IsTile)
MouseCoords = new EntityCoordinates(MouseCoords.EntityId, new Vector2(CurrentTile.X + tileSize / 2,
CurrentTile.Y + tileSize / 2));
MouseCoords = new EntityCoordinates(MouseCoords.EntityId, new Vector2(CurrentTile.X + tileSize / 2 + pManager.PlacementOffset.X,
CurrentTile.Y + tileSize / 2 + pManager.PlacementOffset.Y));

public override bool IsValidPosition(EntityCoordinates position)
var player = _playerManager.LocalSession?.AttachedEntity;

// If the destination is out of interaction range, set the placer alpha to zero
if (!_entityManager.TryGetComponent<TransformComponent>(player, out var xform))
return false;

if (!xform.Coordinates.InRange(_entityManager, _transformSystem, position, SharedInteractionSystem.InteractionRange))
InvalidPlaceColor = InvalidPlaceColor.WithAlpha(0);
return false;

// Otherwise restore the alpha value
InvalidPlaceColor = InvalidPlaceColor.WithAlpha(PlaceColorBaseAlpha);

// Determine if player is carrying an RPD in their active hand
if (!_entityManager.TryGetComponent<HandsComponent>(player, out var hands))
return false;

var heldEntity = hands.ActiveHand?.HeldEntity;

if (!_entityManager.TryGetComponent<RPDComponent>(heldEntity, out var rpd))
return false;

// Retrieve the map grid data for the position
if (!_rpdSystem.TryGetMapGridData(position, out var mapGridData))
return false;

// Determine if the user is hovering over a target
var currentState = _stateManager.CurrentState;

if (currentState is not GameplayStateBase screen)
return false;

var target = screen.GetClickedEntity(_unalignedMouseCoords.ToMap(_entityManager, _transformSystem));

// Determine if the RPD operation is valid or not
if (!_rpdSystem.IsRPDOperationStillValid(heldEntity.Value, rpd, mapGridData.Value, target, player.Value, false))
return false;

return true;
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions Content.Client/ADT/RPD/RPDConstructionGhostSystem.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
using Content.Shared.Hands.Components;
using Content.Shared.Interaction;
using Content.Shared.ADT.RPD;
using Content.Shared.ADT.RPD.Components;
using Content.Shared.ADT.RPD.Systems;
using Robust.Client.Placement;
using Robust.Client.Player;
using Robust.Shared.Enums;

namespace Content.Client.ADT.RPD;

public sealed class RPDConstructionGhostSystem : EntitySystem
[Dependency] private readonly IPlayerManager _playerManager = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly RPDSystem _rpdSystem = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly IPlacementManager _placementManager = default!;

private string _placementMode = typeof(AlignRPDConstruction).Name;
private Direction _placementDirection = default;

public override void Update(float frameTime)

// Get current placer data
var placerEntity = _placementManager.CurrentPermission?.MobUid;
var placerProto = _placementManager.CurrentPermission?.EntityType;
var placerIsRPD = HasComp<RPDComponent>(placerEntity);

// Exit if erasing or the current placer is not an RPD (build mode is active)
if (_placementManager.Eraser || (placerEntity != null && !placerIsRPD))

// Determine if player is carrying an RPD in their active hand
var player = _playerManager.LocalSession?.AttachedEntity;

if (!TryComp<HandsComponent>(player, out var hands))

var heldEntity = hands.ActiveHand?.HeldEntity;

if (!TryComp<RPDComponent>(heldEntity, out var rpd))
// If the player was holding an RPD, but is no longer, cancel placement
if (placerIsRPD)


// Update the direction the RPD prototype based on the placer direction
if (_placementDirection != _placementManager.Direction)
_placementDirection = _placementManager.Direction;
RaiseNetworkEvent(new RPDConstructionGhostRotationEvent(GetNetEntity(heldEntity.Value), _placementDirection));

// If the placer has not changed, exit
_rpdSystem.UpdateCachedPrototype(heldEntity.Value, rpd);

if (heldEntity == placerEntity && rpd.CachedPrototype.Prototype == placerProto)

// Create a new placer
var newObjInfo = new PlacementInformation
MobUid = heldEntity.Value,
PlacementOption = _placementMode,
EntityType = rpd.CachedPrototype.Prototype,
Range = (int) Math.Ceiling(SharedInteractionSystem.InteractionRange),
UseEditorContext = false,

35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions Content.Client/ADT/RPD/RPDMenu.xaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<ui:RadialMenu xmlns=""
MinSize="450 450">

<!-- Note: The min size of the window just determine how close to the edge of the screen the center of the radial menu can be placed -->
<!-- The radial menu will try to open so that its center is located where the player's cursor is currently -->

<!-- Entry layer (shows main categories) -->
<ui:RadialContainer Name="Main" VerticalExpand="True" HorizontalExpand="True" Radius="64" ReserveSpaceForHiddenChildren="False">
<ui:RadialMenuTextureButton StyleClasses="RadialMenuButton" SetSize="64 64" ToolTip="{Loc 'rpd-component-DisposalPipe'}" TargetLayer="DisposalPipe" Visible="False">
<TextureRect VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" TextureScale="2 2" TexturePath="/Textures/ADT/Interface/Radial/RPD/DisposalPipe.png"/>
<ui:RadialMenuTextureButton StyleClasses="RadialMenuButton" SetSize="64 64" ToolTip="{Loc 'rpd-component-Gaspipes'}" TargetLayer="Gaspipes" Visible="False">
<TextureRect VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" TextureScale="2 2" TexturePath="/Textures/ADT/Interface/Radial/RPD/Gaspipes.png"/>
<ui:RadialMenuTextureButton StyleClasses="RadialMenuButton" SetSize="64 64" ToolTip="{Loc 'rpd-component-Devices'}" TargetLayer="Devices" Visible="False">
<TextureRect VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" TextureScale="2 2" TexturePath="/Textures/ADT/Interface/Radial/RPD/Devices.png"/>

<!-- DisposalPipe -->
<ui:RadialContainer Name="DisposalPipe" VerticalExpand="True" HorizontalExpand="True" Radius="64"/>

<!-- Gaspipes -->
<ui:RadialContainer Name="Gaspipes" VerticalExpand="True" HorizontalExpand="True" Radius="64"/>

<!-- Devices -->
<ui:RadialContainer Name="Devices" VerticalExpand="True" HorizontalExpand="True" Radius="64"/>

167 changes: 167 additions & 0 deletions Content.Client/ADT/RPD/RPDMenu.xaml.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
using Content.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
using Content.Shared.Popups;
using Content.Shared.ADT.RPD;
using Content.Shared.ADT.RPD.Components;
using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated;
using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
using Robust.Client.Player;
using Robust.Client.UserInterface;
using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
using System.Numerics;

namespace Content.Client.ADT.RPD;

public sealed partial class RPDMenu : RadialMenu
[Dependency] private readonly EntityManager _entManager = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _protoManager = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly IPlayerManager _playerManager = default!;

private readonly SpriteSystem _spriteSystem;
private readonly SharedPopupSystem _popup;

public event Action<ProtoId<RPDPrototype>>? SendRPDSystemMessageAction;

private EntityUid _owner;

public RPDMenu(EntityUid owner, RPDMenuBoundUserInterface bui)

_spriteSystem = _entManager.System<SpriteSystem>();
_popup = _entManager.System<SharedPopupSystem>();

_owner = owner;

var main = FindControl<RadialContainer>("Main");

if (main == null)

if (!_entManager.TryGetComponent<RPDComponent>(owner, out var rpd))

foreach (var protoId in rpd.AvailablePrototypes)
if (!_protoManager.TryIndex(protoId, out var proto))

if (proto.Mode == RpdMode.Invalid)

var parent = FindControl<RadialContainer>(proto.Category);

if (parent == null)

var tooltip = Loc.GetString(proto.SetName);

tooltip = OopsConcat(char.ToUpper(tooltip[0]).ToString(), tooltip.Remove(0, 1));

var button = new RPDMenuButton()
StyleClasses = { "RadialMenuButton" },
SetSize = new Vector2(64f, 64f),
ToolTip = tooltip,
ProtoId = protoId,

if (proto.Sprite != null)
var tex = new TextureRect()
VerticalAlignment = VAlignment.Center,
HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Center,
Texture = _spriteSystem.Frame0(proto.Sprite),
TextureScale = new Vector2(2f, 2f),



foreach (var child in main.Children)
var castChild = child as RadialMenuTextureButton;

if (castChild is not RadialMenuTextureButton)

if (castChild.TargetLayer == proto.Category)
castChild.Visible = true;

foreach (var child in Children)

OnChildAdded += AddRPDMenuButtonOnClickActions;

SendRPDSystemMessageAction += bui.SendRPDSystemMessage;

private static string OopsConcat(string a, string b)
return a + b;

private void AddRPDMenuButtonOnClickActions(Control control)
var radialContainer = control as RadialContainer;

if (radialContainer == null)

foreach (var child in radialContainer.Children)
var castChild = child as RPDMenuButton;

if (castChild == null)

castChild.OnButtonUp += _ =>

if (_playerManager.LocalSession?.AttachedEntity != null &&
_protoManager.TryIndex(castChild.ProtoId, out var proto))
var msg = Loc.GetString("rpd-component-change-mode", ("mode", Loc.GetString(proto.SetName)));

if (proto.Mode == RpdMode.ConstructObject)
var name = Loc.GetString(proto.SetName);

if (proto.Prototype != null &&
_protoManager.TryIndex(proto.Prototype, out var entProto))
name = entProto.Name;

msg = Loc.GetString("rpd-component-change-build-mode", ("name", name));

_popup.PopupClient(msg, _owner, _playerManager.LocalSession.AttachedEntity);


public sealed class RPDMenuButton : RadialMenuTextureButton
public ProtoId<RPDPrototype> ProtoId { get; set; }

public RPDMenuButton()


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