Public part of Hypha is no more. Hypha is now a pure submission management platform. Many files has changes so prepare for merge conflicts if you have forked the code. Take care when upgrading!
When upgrading to this version of Hypha you need to manually update your site settings.
- Go to
Wagtail Admin -> Settings -> Sites
. - Change so the Apply site is set as "Default".
- Remove the Public site.
Hypha used to have two Wagtail sites configured, Apply and Public. The Public site was ment to be used as the "public" web site for the organisation. No one is using this anymore, preferring to have a separate Wordpress site or similar instead.
You will find that the ´hypha/public/` directory still exist. This is done to have migrations in place to clear out databas tables that are no longer needed. Later this year we will remove them.
This reales also has some new features and enhancements, see below.
🚀 Features
- Add setting list_on_front_page to funds and labs. (#3743) @frjo
- Add dropdowns to navigation and access nav items via file (#3679) @sandeepsajan0
- Add server side previews to the application workflow (#3725) @wes-otf
⚙️ Enhancements
- Improve rtl support with modern css (#3732) @frjo
- Visibility enhancements for partners (#3744) @wes-otf
- Fix homepage title and upgrade tailwind to 3.4.x (#3765) @theskumar
- Fix footer display on the htmx rendered pages (#3764) @theskumar
- Add goto apply listing for user with no dashboard (#3763) @theskumar
- Replace sprite svg icons with heroicons alternatives (#3711) @theskumar
- User with Staff role can approve contracts (#3736) @frjo
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix the 2FA flow (#3761) @theskumar
- Hide "Forms" menu in wagtail admin (#3755) @theskumar
- Fix footer link color (#3754) @theskumar
🔧 Maintenance
- Update test durations and local po files. (#3767) @frjo
- Cleanup unused template from public site (#3762) @theskumar
- Remove partial_match from search field, have no effect in Wagtail 5. (#3751) @frjo
- Update test durations and local po files after removing public. (#3749) @frjo
- Remove public site (#3738) @theskumar
- Updated to Django 4.2.10. (#3747) @frjo
- Move cookieconsent settings to generic settings (#3722) @theskumar
- Remove public "standard_pages" app (#3721) @theskumar
- Remove public "funds" app (#3720) @theskumar
- Update github actions. (#3740) @frjo
- Remove public "forms" pages app (#3719) @theskumar
- Remove public "projects" app (#3718) @theskumar
- Remove "people" app (#3739) @frjo
- Remove public "partners" app (#3716) @theskumar
- Remove public primary nav (db) and "news" app (#3715) @theskumar
📜 Documentation
- Documentation overhaul - Fixing formatting issues, autodoc implementation, and added variables for versions. (#3734) @wes-otf
Contributors to this release: @frjo, @sandeepsajan0, @theskumar and @wes-otf
Full changelog: v5.3.1...v5.4.0