35 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
⚙️ Enhancements
- Improve no results page of submission list (#4377) @theskumar
- Remove need for DjangoMessagesAdapter (#4350) @frjo
- Small fixes to the submissions table (#4360) @wes-otf
- Add @view-transition auto to root element. (#4359) @frjo
- Remove select2 and uses choices.js (#4319) @sandeepsajan0
- Add URL column and format address. (#4354) @frjo
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Give lists etc. same formatting in all forms as in application forms. (#4370) @frjo
- Fix batch determination different forms issue (#4304) @sandeepsajan0
- Add nh3 filter so HTML tags do not get escaped. (#4353) @frjo
🔧 Maintenance
- Raise PermissionDenied if anon user tries to access create_password (#4371) @frjo
- Replace repeat icon from rotate icon for rounds (#4368) @sandeepsajan0
- Remove unused pagedown css demo.css (#3676) @theskumar
- Use wagtail_modeladmin as separate package (#4366) @sandeepsajan0
- Load htmx script in page bottom since we cannot defer it. (#4362) @frjo
- Clean out old migration code and drupal id migration field. (#4340) @frjo
Contributors to this release: @frjo, @sandeepsajan0, @theskumar and @wes-otf
Full changelog: v5.23.0...v5.24.0