169 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
Check out the new communication tab. Comments and activities are now displayed together and loaded only when needed.
🚀 Features
- Update homepage to not used wagtail pages (#4127) @theskumar
- Rebuild communication and activity feed + assign a comment as task to user (#3932) @theskumar
- Submission data on determination and review form page (#4142) @frjo
⚙️ Enhancements
- Improvment to the submisison's related section (#4157) @theskumar
- Fix submission search input (#4156) @theskumar
- Do not send notification when author delete own draft. (#4159) @frjo
- Remove all Finance 2 features (#4122) @frjo
- Remove vendor feature code (#4086) @sandeepsajan0
- Improve cloned forms naming (#4114) @wes-otf
🔧 Maintenance
- Updated the sandbox db. (#4170) @frjo
- Basic project info in pyproject.toml. (#4155) @frjo
- Remove some code formatting rules from eslint. Prettier takes care of that. (#4168) @frjo
- Use pre-commit in ci to check for lint issues (#4110) @theskumar
- Update factory boy, Faker and wagtail_factories (#4128) @sandeepsajan0
- Updated ESLint to v9.12.0 & migrated to a flat config file (#4162) @wes-otf
- Add "templates_custom" folder to tailwind search path (#4163) @theskumar
- Node package updates. (#4152) @frjo
- Upgrade to python 3.12.6. (#4154) @frjo
- Remove 'drf-yasg' swagger docs viewer (#4161) @theskumar
Contributors to this release: @frjo, @sandeepsajan0, @theskumar and @wes-otf
Full changelog: v5.16.0...v5.17.0