250 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
🚀 Features
⚙️ Enhancements
- Cookie popup improvements (#3976) @wes-otf
- New mobile menu and sync Hypha media-query breakpoints with tailwind (#3994) @frjo
- Make paf and vendors details editable for active projects (#3924) @sandeepsajan0
- Add activity for project title update (#4006) @sandeepsajan0
- Use x-cloak on user-menu popover to hide it during initial load (#3997) @theskumar
- Link comments icon to submission -> communications tab (#3996) @theskumar
- Update the flagging feature to use htmx (#3985) @theskumar
- Give the task bell the same hover state as the user menu (#3992) @frjo
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Add back the source_type filter that was removed by mistake. (#4013) @frjo
- Fix editing comment updates the comment visibility (#4005) @theskumar
🔧 Maintenance
- Bump djangorestframework from 3.15.0 to 3.15.2 (#4011) @dependabot
- Name correction in package-lock.json. (#4010) @frjo
- Remove wagtail-cache and wagtail-purge (#4000) @frjo
- Delete unused overview views for submissions and projects. (#4003) @frjo
- Update Wagtail to v5.2.5 (#3995) @frjo
- Update node modules and node version (#4007) @frjo
- Rename staff dashboard template to staff_dashboard.html. (#4004) @frjo
Contributors to this release: @bickelj, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @frjo, @sandeepsajan0, @theskumar and @wes-otf
Full changelog: v5.10.0...v5.11.0