Suppose you would like to use different feature boundaries than what 10x
Genomics reports. This repository contains an example on how to count
alternative user-defined features for 10x Genomics scATAC-seq data. The code uses samtools
, pysam
, Subread
's featureCounts
software, with a few linux utilities.
Suppose you are in the outs/ directory produced by cellranger-atac count
. For the sake of the example, down sample to 1% of the aligned reads.
# subsample to 1% of aligned reads
samtools view -bs 42.01 possorted_bam.bam > subsampled.bam
# index the bam file
samtools index subsampled.bam
Run the python script
, which
- replaces the RG tag with the cell barcode (CB) tag for only those CB which pass Cell Ranger's GEM filter
- writes only GEM-filtered alignments to a new bam file
- and then creates a header file 'header.sam' declaring the set of GEM-filtered CBs in the RG tag. -i subsampled.bam -o subsampled.clean.bam \
-b filtered_peak_bc_matrix/barcodes.tsv
Re-header the bam file so that it contains the CBs in
the RG declaration. Without re-headering, featureCounts
will not create a
column for each GEM-filtered CB.
# insert header into modified bam.
samtools reheader -P -i header.sam subsampled.clean.bam \
> subsampled.clean.reheader.bam
Run featureCounts with the user-defined features in AnnotationFile.txt.
Importantly, quantify with the --byReadGroup
option to produce UMI counts.
# fix the path to featureCounts
--byReadGroup \
--readExtension5 1000 --readExtension3 1000
-a AnnotationFile.txt -o subsampled.featurecounts.txt \
-F SAF \
# Drop the file prefix from Subread's columns
sed 's/subsampled.clean.reheader.bam://g' \
subsampled.featurecounts.txt > subsampled.featurecounts.shortname.txt
# drop intermediate file
rm subsampled.featurecounts.txt