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Merge pull request #1 from yzerlaut/kgquery
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1) adding the Fields to the Minds and Uniminds classes, 2) generating and uploading queries to the KG based on those fields
  • Loading branch information
apdavison authored Oct 4, 2019
2 parents 345538a + ce896c0 commit 176eee7
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,905 additions and 195 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions fairgraph/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -452,3 +452,6 @@ def use_namespace(namespace):
"""Set the namespace for all classes in this module."""
for cls in list_kg_classes():
cls.namespace = namespace

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion fairgraph/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@

DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "neuralactivity"

class Trace(KGObject):
Expand Down
568 changes: 451 additions & 117 deletions fairgraph/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

225 changes: 225 additions & 0 deletions fairgraph/queries/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
# Integrating Knowledge Graph queries into fairgraph

### Motivation

Fairgraph uses queries to interact with the Knowledge Graph database. For speed considerations, the queries used have to be predefined and stored within the Knowledge Graph architecture.

### Implementation

The means that all queries used by fairgraph will be constructed and uploaded on the KG server. For example, the query with argument "XXX" looking either for a name containing "XXX" or for the ID of a dataset being "XXX" is stored at the following address:

So for each new faigraph function relying on a new query. The query needs to be added. This is performed in the following two steps procedure:

#### 1) Incrementing the '' file

The file '' stores all queries used by faigraph, it is located in: `./fairgraph/faigraph/queries/`

The queries are divided into common and custom queries. You should add a new query in one or the other depending on whether your new query applies to all classes of all namespaces or whether it is specific to a given class.

##### Common queries

Those queries are stored in the `COMMON_QUERIES` list of the '' file. An example value is:

{'query_name': 'name_contains_id_equals',
'quantities':['name', 'id'],
'operators':['contains', 'equals']},
{'query_name': 'identifier_contains',
You should add a new dictionary for each new query to this list, with name for the query ("query_name") a set of quantitites on which it applies ("quantities") and a corresponding set of operators ("operators").

##### Custom queries

Then a set of custom queries specific to specific classes of specific namespaces. Those queries are stored in the `CUSTOM_QUERIES` list of the '' file. For a given class of a given namespace (e.g. class "Dataset" in the "Minds" namespace), the key of the dictionary should be "Namespace-Class" (e.g. "Minds-Dataset" here). Each element of the "Namespace-Class" key is a set of queries (i.e. a list of dictionaries) as in the case of "COMMON_QUERIES".

{'query_name': 'contributors_contains', # explicit name of the query
'quantities':['contributors'], # quantities that will have the filter
'operators':['contains']}, # parameter (usually same than quantity)
{'query_name': 'id_equals',
{'query_name': 'contributors_equals', # explicit name of the query
'quantities':['contributors'], # quantities that will have the filter
'operators':['equals']}, # parameter (usually same than quantity)

#### 2) Upload the queries to the Knowledge Graph

Once you have built the "" file, run the following command in the `faigraph/queries/` subdirectory.

$ python

The output should look like this:

Successfully stored the query at
Successfully stored the query at
Successfully stored the query at
Successfully stored the query at
Successfully stored the query at
Successfully stored the query at

<!-- # 2) Integrating Knowledge graph queries into fairgraph -->

<!-- We use the features of the [HBP Knowledge Graph editor]( to build the queries and the namespace properties (e.g. its classes) within fairgraph. -->

<!-- Vocabulary: -->

<!-- - "Namespaces" refer to the different root schema considered: "Minds", "Uniminds", "Neuralactivity", ... They are associated to a given "Version". -->
<!-- - "Classes" refer to the different schemas of a given namespace: e.g. for the minds schema: "Dataset", "Person", ... -->
<!-- - "Attributes" are the properties of the entries of a given class. E.g. a Dataset has the attributes: "name", "contributors", "identifier", ... -->

<!-- All those objects need to be included into "faigraph". We detail here the procedure to do this. -->

<!-- ## 1) Build a general query with the KG editor for a given Namespace and a given Class of interest -->

<!-- Let's build a general query for the case of the "Minds" namespace for the "Dataset" class. -->

<!-- Within the [Knowledge Graph editor](, we select the [query-builder]( -->

<!-- We scroll over the root schema to find the "Minds" namepsace, and then we select the "Dataset" class within the "Minds" namespace. -->

<!-- ![Screenshot of the KGE](doc/KGE-screenshot-1.png) -->

<!-- Then we add all "Attributes" of the class to the -->

<!-- ![Screenshot of the KGE](doc/KGE-screenshot-2.png) -->

<!-- In "Results JSON view", set the size to a large value (e.g. size=20000) -->

<!-- Then we save the query using the following format: -->
<!-- "fg-Namespace-Class-KGE", e.g. for that example -->

<!-- ![Screenshot of the KGE](doc/KGE-screenshot-3.png) -->

<!-- The stored query should therefore appear in the following address: -->

<!-- -->

<!-- ## 2) Repeat for all Namespaces and Classes of interest -->

<!-- Here are a few example combinations: -->

<!-- 1. Minds-Activity -->
<!-- 2. Uniminds-Project -->
<!-- 3. Uniminds-Person -->
<!-- 4. ... -->

<!-- ## 3) Configure the KG Objects handled by fairgraph -->

<!-- Open the [](./ file and write down all the Namespaces (with their version) and Classes that you have saved as a query in the KGE editor. -->

<!-- here is an example: -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- KG_OBJECTS = [ -->
<!-- { -->
<!-- 'namespace':'Minds', -->
<!-- 'version':'v1.0.0', -->
<!-- 'classes':[ -->
<!-- 'Activity', -->
<!-- 'Dataset', -->
<!-- 'Person', -->
<!-- ], -->
<!-- }, -->
<!-- { -->
<!-- 'namespace':'Uniminds', -->
<!-- 'version':'v1.0.0', -->
<!-- 'classes':[ -->
<!-- 'Project', -->
<!-- 'Person', -->
<!-- ], -->
<!-- }, -->
<!-- ] -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- ## 4) Add a set of queries -->

<!-- Adding a set of common queries (queries that are unspecific to a namespace and a class, i.e. where the attributes are shared among all objects). For example the "name" and "id " are always present. -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- # this query will be applid to all classes of all namepsaces: -->
<!-- COMMON_QUERIES = [ -->
<!-- {'query_name': 'name_contains_id_equals', -->
<!-- 'quantities':['name', '@id'], -->
<!-- 'operators':['contains', 'equals'], -->
<!-- 'parameters':['name', 'id']} -->
<!-- {'query_name': 'name_contains', -->
<!-- 'quantities':['name'], -->
<!-- 'operators':['contains'], -->
<!-- 'parameters':['name']} -->
<!-- ] -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- Now you can also set explicitely a set of custom queries that will be "Namespace" and "class"-dependent (because it focuses on class-specific attributes). -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- CUSTOM_QUERIES = { -->
<!-- 'Minds-Dataset':[ -->
<!-- {'query_name': contributors_contains', # explicit name of the query -->
<!-- 'quantities':['contributors], # quantities that will have the filter -->
<!-- 'operators':['contains'], # operator for the filter -->
<!-- 'parameters':['contributors]}, # parameter (usually same than quantity) -->
<!-- {'query_name': 'name_contains_id_equals', -->
<!-- 'quantities':['name', '@id'], -->
<!-- 'operators':['contains', 'equals'], -->
<!-- 'parameters':['name', 'id']}, -->
<!-- ] -->
<!-- 'Uniminds-Project':[ -->
<!-- {'query_name': contributors_contains', # explicit name of the query -->
<!-- 'quantities':['contributors], # quantities that will have the filter -->
<!-- 'operators':['contains'], # operator for the filter -->
<!-- 'parameters':['contributors]}, # parameter (usually same than quantity) -->
<!-- ] -->
<!-- } -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- ## 5) Run the script to convert the KGE queries into "fairgraph-compatible" queries -->

<!-- Provided you have write access in you HBP account and the appropriate token (see ![fairgraph manual](../, you can now run the script that reformats the queries and upload them in the KG query storage. -->

<!-- ``` -->
<!-- python -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- The list of uploaded url queries should appear. -->

<!-- For the above [](./ the list is: -->

<!-- -->

<!-- -->

<!-- ... -->

<!-- -->

<!-- -->

<!-- ... -->

<!-- -->

<!-- -->

<!-- ## 6) Check that the fairgraph import works -->

<!-- [...] -->

<!-- maybe build the properties of the classes wrt the "field" entries of the KGE generated queries -->

92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions fairgraph/queries/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
needs a temporary file "temp.json",
maybe should be put in a system temporarry directory with tempfile (but adds a dependency)
import requests, os, json, pprint
import numpy as np
from query_config import QUERIES, from_fairgraph_key_to_KG_attribute

access_token = os.environ['HBP_token']

def query_url(namespace, cls_version,
url = '' %\
(namespace.lower(), cls_version)
return url+extension

def add_filter_to_query(attribute_name, query):
add a filter for the query
i0 = np.argwhere(np.array(query['quantities'],dtype=str)==attribute_name).flatten()
if len(i0)>0:
quant = from_fairgraph_key_to_KG_attribute(query['quantities'][i0[0]])
if quant=='@id':
param = 'id'
param = quant
return "'filter':{'op':'%s', 'parameter':'%s'}," % (query['operators'][i0[0]], param)
return ''

def format_query(namespace, cls,
query={'quantities':[], 'operators':[], 'parameters':[]},

for f in cls.fields:

FIELDS_STRING += " {'field':'%s'," % from_fairgraph_key_to_KG_attribute(
if in query['quantities']:
FIELDS_STRING += add_filter_to_query(, query)
FIELDS_STRING += "'relative_path':'%s'},\n" % f.path
return """
'@context': {'@vocab': '',
'fieldname': {'@id': 'fieldname', '@type': '@id'},
'merge': {'@id': 'merge', '@type': '@id'},
'relative_path': {'@id': 'relative_path', '@type': '@id'}},
'fields': [
'': 'minds%s/%s',
'': {'@id': ''}
}""" % (FIELDS_STRING[:-2], cls._path, queryID, cls._path)

def upload_faigraph_query(query_string, namespace, cls_version,

with open('temp.json', 'w') as f:

r=requests.put(query_url(namespace, cls_version, extension),
data = open('temp.json', 'r'),
'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(access_token)})

if r.ok:
print('Successfully stored the query at %s ' % query_url(namespace, cls_version, extension))
print('Problem with "put" protocol on url: %s ' % query_url(namespace, cls_version, extension))
print('---> Check your HBP token validity and/or your HBP credential permissions')

if __name__=='__main__':
LIMITING_N = 1000000 # set to a lower value for troubleshooting (e.g. 3)
from fairgraph import minds, uniminds
n = 0
for namespace, Namespace in zip([minds, uniminds], ['Minds', 'Uniminds']):
for cls in namespace.list_kg_classes():
if cls.__name__!='MINDSObject' and n<LIMITING_N:
key = '%s-%s' % (Namespace, cls.__name__)
neutral_query = format_query(namespace, cls)
upload_faigraph_query(neutral_query, Namespace, cls._path[1:])
key = '%s-%s' % (Namespace, cls.__name__)
for query in QUERIES[key]:
filtered_query = format_query(namespace, cls, query=query)
upload_faigraph_query(filtered_query, Namespace, cls._path[1:], extension='_'+query['query_name'])


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