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Jack Huang committed Sep 21, 2021
1 parent b2f048c commit ec707ef
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Showing 5 changed files with 125 additions and 133 deletions.
148 changes: 70 additions & 78 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -4,10 +4,11 @@
@Date: 2019-10-10 19:27:08
@LastEditors: Jack Huang
@LastEditTime: 2019-11-18 19:24:52
@LastEditTime: 2021-08-24 19:24:52

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
import numpy as np
import gym, os
import algo.generator as gen
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,9 +43,11 @@ def drawRewards(D, episode, path):

def main():
# Env
# Mountain care env setting
env = gym.make('MountainCar-v0')
ob_space = env.observation_space
action_space = env.action_space
print(ob_space, action_space)

# For Reinforcement Learning
Policy = gen.Policy_net('policy', env)
Expand All @@ -54,90 +57,89 @@ def main():
# For Inverse Reinforcement Learning
D = dis.Discriminator(env)

# Load Experts Demonstration
# Load expert trajectories
expert_observations = np.genfromtxt('exp_traj/observations.csv')
next_expert_observations = np.genfromtxt('exp_traj/next_observations.csv')
expert_actions = np.genfromtxt('exp_traj/actions.csv', dtype=np.int32)

# Expert returns is just used for showing the mean scrore, not for training
expert_returns = np.genfromtxt('exp_traj/returns.csv')
mean_expert_return = np.mean(expert_returns)

max_episode = 24000
max_episode = 10000
# The maximum step limit in one episode to make sure the mountain car
# task is finite Markov decision processes (MDP).
max_steps = 200
saveReturnEvery = 100
num_expert_tra = 20

# Logger 用来记录训练过程
# Just use to record the training process
train_logger = log.logger(logger_name='AIRL_MCarV0_Training_Log',
logger_path='./trainingLog/', col_names=['Episode', 'Actor(D)', 'Expert Mean(D)','Actor','Expert Mean'])
logger_path='./trainingLog/', col_names=['Episode', 'Actor(D)',
'Expert Mean(D)','Actor','Expert Mean'])

# Saver to save all the variables
# Model saver
model_save_path = './model/'
model_name = 'airl'
saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=int(max_episode/100))

with tf.Session() as sess:
obs = env.reset()
# do NOT use original rewards to update policy
for episode in range(max_episode):
if episode % 100 == 0:
print('Episode ', episode)

observations = []
actions = []
rewards = []
v_preds = []

# 遍历这次游戏中的每一步
obs = env.reset()
# Interact with the environment until reach
# the terminal state or the maximum step.
for step in range(max_steps):
# if episode % 100 == 0:
# env.render()

obs = np.stack([obs]).astype(dtype=np.float32)
act, v_pred = Policy.get_action(obs=obs, stochastic=True)
act = np.asscalar(act)
v_pred = np.asscalar(v_pred)
# act, v_pred = Policy.get_action(obs=obs, stochastic=True)
act, v_pred = Old_Policy.get_action(obs=obs, stochastic=True)

# 和环境交互
next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(act)
next_obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(act)

# 这里的reward并不是用来更新网络的,而是用来记录真实的
# 表现的。
# DO NOT use original rewards to update policy

if done:
v_preds_next = v_preds[1:] + [0] # next state of terminate state has 0 state value
# next state of terminate state has 0 state value
v_preds_next = v_preds[1:] + [0]
obs = next_obs

# 完了就可以用数据来训练网络了

# 准备数据
# Expert的数据已经准备好了
# Generator的数据
# convert list to numpy array for feeding tf.placeholder

# Data preparation
# Data for generator: convert list to numpy array for feeding tf.placeholder
next_observations = observations[1:]
observations = observations[:-1]
actions = actions[:-1]

next_observations = np.reshape(next_observations, newshape=[-1] + list(ob_space.shape))
observations = np.reshape(observations, newshape=[-1] + list(ob_space.shape))
actions = np.array(actions).astype(dtype=np.int32)
# Get the G's probabilities
probabilities = get_probabilities(policy=Policy, observations=observations, actions=actions)
# Get the experts' probabilities
expert_probabilities = get_probabilities(policy=Policy, observations=expert_observations, actions=expert_actions)

# G's probabilities
probabilities = get_probabilities(policy=Policy, \
observations=observations, actions=actions)
# Experts' probabilities
expert_probabilities = get_probabilities(policy=Policy, \
observations=expert_observations, actions=expert_actions)

# numpy 里面log的底数是e
log_probabilities = np.log(probabilities)
log_expert_probabilities = np.log(expert_probabilities)

# Prepare data for disriminator
if D.only_position:
observations_for_d = (observations[:,0]).reshape(-1,1)
next_observations_for_d = (next_observations[:,0]).reshape(-1,1)
Expand All @@ -146,103 +148,93 @@ def main():
log_probabilities_for_d = log_probabilities.reshape(-1,1)
log_expert_probabilities_for_d = log_expert_probabilities.reshape(-1,1)

# 数据排整齐

obs, obs_next, acts, path_probs = \
observations_for_d, next_observations_for_d, actions, log_probabilities
observations_for_d, next_observations_for_d, \
actions.reshape(-1,1), log_probabilities.reshape(-1,1)
expert_obs, expert_obs_next, expert_acts, expert_probs = \
expert_observations_for_d, next_expert_observations_for_d, expert_actions, log_expert_probabilities
expert_observations_for_d, next_expert_observations_for_d, \
expert_actions.reshape(-1,1), log_expert_probabilities.reshape(-1,1)

acts = acts.reshape(-1,1)
expert_acts = expert_acts.reshape(-1,1)

path_probs = path_probs.reshape(-1,1)
expert_probs = expert_probs.reshape(-1,1)

# train discriminator 得到Reward函数
# print('Train D')
# 这里两类数据量的大小不对等啊
# 应该可以优化的
# 这里两类数据量的大小不对等啊, 应该可以优化的??
# Train discriminator
batch_size = 32
for i in range(1):
# 抽一个G的batch
# Sample generator
nobs_batch, obs_batch, act_batch, lprobs_batch = \
sample_batch(obs_next, obs, acts, path_probs, batch_size=batch_size)

# 抽一个Expert的batch
# Sample expert
nexpert_obs_batch, expert_obs_batch, expert_act_batch, expert_lprobs_batch = \
sample_batch(expert_obs_next, expert_obs, expert_acts, expert_probs, batch_size=batch_size)
sample_batch(expert_obs_next, expert_obs, expert_acts, \
expert_probs, batch_size=batch_size)

# 前半部分负样本0; 后半部分是正样本1
# Label generator samples as 0, indicating that discriminator
# always consider generator's behavior is not good;
# Label expert samples as 1, indicating that discriminator
# always consider expert's behavior is excellent.
labels = np.zeros((batch_size*2, 1))
labels[batch_size:] = 1.0

# 拼在一起喂到神经网络里面去训练
obs_batch = np.concatenate([obs_batch, expert_obs_batch], axis=0)
nobs_batch = np.concatenate([nobs_batch, nexpert_obs_batch], axis=0)
# 若是只和状态相关,下面这个这个没有用
act_batch = np.concatenate([act_batch, expert_act_batch], axis=0)
lprobs_batch = np.concatenate([lprobs_batch, expert_lprobs_batch], axis=0)
D.train(obs_t = obs_batch,
nobs_t = nobs_batch,
lprobs = lprobs_batch,
labels = labels)

if episode % 50 == 0:
drawRewards(D=D, episode=episode, path='./trainingLog/')

# output of this discriminator is reward
# The output of this discriminator is reward
if D.score_discrim == False:
d_rewards = D.get_scores(obs_t=observations_for_d)
d_rewards = D.get_l_scores(obs_t=observations_for_d, nobs_t=next_observations_for_d, lprobs=log_probabilities_for_d)
d_rewards = D.get_l_scores(obs_t=observations_for_d, \
nobs_t=next_observations_for_d, lprobs=log_probabilities_for_d)

d_rewards = np.reshape(d_rewards, newshape=[-1]).astype(dtype=np.float32)
d_actor_return = np.sum(d_rewards)
# print(d_actor_return)
# Sum rewards to get return: Just for tracking the record of returns overtime.
d_actor_return = np.sum(d_rewards)

# d_expert_return: Just For Tracking
if D.score_discrim == False:
expert_d_rewards = D.get_scores(obs_t=expert_observations_for_d)
expert_d_rewards = D.get_l_scores(obs_t=expert_observations_for_d, nobs_t= next_expert_observations_for_d,lprobs= log_expert_probabilities_for_d )
expert_d_rewards = D.get_l_scores(obs_t=expert_observations_for_d, \
nobs_t= next_expert_observations_for_d,lprobs= log_expert_probabilities_for_d )
expert_d_rewards = np.reshape(expert_d_rewards, newshape=[-1]).astype(dtype=np.float32)
d_expert_return = np.sum(expert_d_rewards)/num_expert_tra
# print(d_expert_return)

# Start Logging #

#** Start Logging **#: Just use to track information
train_logger.add_row_data([episode, d_actor_return, d_expert_return,
sum(rewards), mean_expert_return], saveFlag=True)
if episode % saveReturnEvery == 0:
# End logging #
#** End logging **#

gaes = PPO.get_gaes(rewards=d_rewards, v_preds=v_preds, v_preds_next=v_preds_next)
gaes = np.array(gaes).astype(dtype=np.float32)
# gaes = (gaes - gaes.mean()) / gaes.std()
v_preds_next = np.array(v_preds_next).astype(dtype=np.float32)

# train policy 得到更好的Policy
inp = [observations, actions, gaes, d_rewards, v_preds_next]

# if episode % 4 == 0:
# PPO.assign_policy_parameters()


if episode % 4 == 0:
# PPO.assign_policy_parameters()

for epoch in range(10):
sample_indices = np.random.randint(low=0, high=observations.shape[0],
size=32) # indices are in [low, high)
sampled_inp = [np.take(a=a, indices=sample_indices, axis=0) for a in inp] # sample training data
sample_indices = np.random.randint(low=0, high=observations.shape[0],size=32)
# sample training data
sampled_inp = [np.take(a=a, indices=sample_indices, axis=0) for a in inp]
# 保存整个模型

# Save model
if episode > 0 and episode % 100 == 0:, os.path.join(model_save_path, model_name), global_step=episode)

Expand Down
19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,10 +4,11 @@
@Date: 2019-10-10 19:27:08
@LastEditors: Jack Huang
@LastEditTime: 2019-11-21 22:10:00
@LastEditTime: 2021-08-24 22:10:00

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
import numpy as np
import gym, os
import argparse
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ def main():
num_expert_tra = 20

# Saver to save all the variables
model_save_path = './modelGAN/'
model_save_path = './model/'
model_name = 'airl'
saver = tf.train.Saver()
ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(model_save_path)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,15 +96,15 @@ def main():
# 遍历这次游戏中的每一步
obs = env.reset()
for step in range(max_steps):
# if episode % 100 == 0:
# env.render()
if episode % 100 == 0:
obs = np.stack([obs]).astype(dtype=np.float32)

# When testing set stochastic False will get better performance
act, v_pred = Policy.get_action(obs=obs, stochastic=True)
# act, v_pred = Policy.get_action(obs=obs, stochastic=False)
act = np.asscalar(act)
v_pred = np.asscalar(v_pred)
# act, v_pred = Policy.get_action(obs=obs, stochastic=True)
act, v_pred = Policy.get_action(obs=obs, stochastic=False)
# act = act.item()
# v_pred = v_pred.item()

# 和环境交互
next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(act)
Expand Down

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