Analysis code for paper "Soil characteristics and land-use drive bacterial community assembly patterns"
This repository contains the code for analysis and figure generatation for the paper:
Barnett SE, Youngblut ND, Buckley DH. Soil characteristics and land-use drive bacterial community assembly patterns, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2020;96(1):fiz194, doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiz194
Here is a brief description of each of the files: Examines alpha and beta diversity of the soil microbial communities including running CAP analysis to examine the how different soil properties explain variation in community composition.
- Figure 1
- Supplementary figure S2
- Supplementary figure S5 Fits the Sloan neutral model to the regional dataset to assess how well this model explains OTU occupancy.
- Figure 2 Assess the phylogenetic signal in niche preference for pH, percent SOM, and C:N ratio of the bacteria across the region.
- Supplementary figure S3 Calculation of the βNTI metric (Deterministic proceses). Looking for correlations between βNTI and variation in soil parameters across all soil samples.
- Supplementary figure S4 Testing if βNTI differes across land use regimes. Also looking for correlations between βNTI and variation in soil parameters within each land use regime.
- Figure 4 Testing if βNTI differes between acidic or pH neutral soils. Calculating RCbray metric. Quantifying how different community assembly processes differ across land use regimes and pH groups (Deterministic: Homogeneous selection and variable selection, Stochastic: limited dispersal, homogenizing dispersal, and drift alone).
- Figure 3
- Figure 5
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