To implement the system of monthly discounts I used "Celery" with every day check up data of add product and if it added last month add 20% discounts. So that the accountant can make a selection by dates to endpoint /api/atatistic/
it is possible to make a post request with date_from
and date_to
in day-mounth-year format (exemple: date_from=10-11-2020
). Tests were implemented to check performance during development. The database already contains 1 product and 1 order
# GET to view all products, POST to creae new.
# GET to view product id=pk, PUT to update product, DELETE to delete product.
# GET to view all order, POST with id product to creae new order.Example json request {"product_id": 1}
# GET to view order id=pk, PUT to update order, DELETE to delete order.
# GET to bill based on order.Example endpoint "api/bill/1" for make bill based on order_id = 1
# GET to view all statistic, POST with application/x-www-form-urlencoded date_from,date_to.Example POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded request: date_from=10-11-2020&date_to=15-11-2020
This software uses the following open source packages: