Reducing Semantic Confusion: Scene-aware Aggregation Network for Remote Sensing Cross-modal Retrieval (ICMR2023 Oral)
Jiancheng Pan, Qing Ma*, Cong Bai. [paper]
Basic code to thank GaLR by Yuan et al.
Recently, remote sensing cross-modal retrieval has received incredible attention from researchers. However, the unique nature of remote-sensing images leads to many semantic confusion zones in the semantic space, which greatly affects retrieval performance. We propose a novel scene-aware aggregation network (SWAN) to reduce semantic confusion by improving scene perception capability. In visual representation, a visual multiscale fusion module (VMSF) is presented to fuse visual features with different scales as a visual representation backbone. Meanwhile, a scene fine-grained sensing module (SFGS) is proposed to establish the associations of salient features at different granularity. A scene-aware visual aggregation representation is formed by the visual information generated by these two modules. In textual representation, a textual coarse-grained enhancement module (TCGE) is designed to enhance the semantics of text and to align visual information. Furthermore, as the diversity and differentiation of remote sensing scenes weaken the understanding of scenes, a new metric, namely, scene recall is proposed to measure the perception of scenes by evaluating scene-level retrieval performance, which can also verify the effectiveness of our approach in reducing semantic confusion. By performance comparisons, ablation studies and visualization analysis, we validated the effectiveness and superiority of our approach on two datasets, RSICD and RSITMD. The source code is available at
# RSITMD Dataset
python -g 0 -m SWAN -e SWAN --data_name rsitmd -p checkpoint/ --epochs 50 -kf 1
# RSICD Dataset
python -g 0 -m SWAN -e SWAN --data_name rsicd -p checkpoint/ --epochs 50 -kf 1
python --resume 'path to model checkpoint'
All experiments are based on RSITMD and RSICD datasets.
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title={Reducing Semantic Confusion: Scene-aware Aggregation Network for Remote Sensing Cross-modal Retrieval},
author={Pan, Jiancheng and Ma, Qing and Bai, Cong},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval},