- Docker installed on your system.
- Internet access to fetch the sample graph data.
To set up the Neo4j environment with the necessary plugins and import the sample data, follow the steps below:
Open a terminal or command prompt.
Execute the following Docker command to run the Neo4j instance with the required plugins:
docker run --name testneo4j -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 -d --env NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS='["apoc", "n10s"]' --env NEO4J_AUTH=none neo4j:5.7
The next step is to import the sample graph data into the Neo4j database. We'll use the n10s
plugin to fetch the data from the specified URL and load it into the database.
Open a web browser and navigate to the Neo4j browser at http://localhost:7474.
In the Neo4j browser, execute the following Cypher queries one by one:
a. Initialize the
plugin configuration and create a constraint to ensure unique URIs for resources:CALL n10s.graphconfig.init(); CREATE CONSTRAINT n10s_unique_uri FOR (r:Resource) REQUIRE r.uri IS UNIQUE;
b. Import the sample data from the specified URL (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wala/graph4code/master/sample_graph/stackoverflow_triples_sample.nq) in N-Quads format:
CALL n10s.rdf.import.fetch("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wala/graph4code/master/sample_graph/stackoverflow_triples_sample.nq", "N-Quads", { singleTx: false });
Before running any analysis queries, you might want to delete any existing data to start with a clean slate. To delete all nodes and relationships in the database, execute the following query in the Neo4j browser:
DELETE n, r;
Now that the data is imported, you can explore it using Cypher queries. For example, to get all nodes and relationships in the database, execute the following query:
MATCH (s)-[p]->(o)
RETURN s, p, o;
Feel free to modify and execute other Cypher queries to analyze the data based on your research requirements.
Remember to stop and remove the Docker container when you are done with your research:
docker stop testneo4j
docker rm testneo4j
- Neo4j: https://neo4j.com/
- Graph4Code: https://github.com/wala/graph4code
This research work is provided under the MIT License.