This repository holds the ROS driver for some of the YLM devices.
Clone this package into the src folder of your catkin workspace using:
git clone
To build this package, we strongly recommend that you use catkin_tools. You can install it on Ubuntu by following the instructions provided here.
Build the package in the workspace. With catkin_tools and from your ROS workspace root:
source /opt/ros/<your_ROS_version>/setup.bash
catkin init
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
With catkin_make (assuming you've already created a catkin workspace):
source /opt/ros/<your_ROS_version>/setup.bash
source devel/setup.bash
Make sure that you are using this driver with one of the supported device. Don't forget to source your terminal. To launch the node with a livestream from the M20 lidar, use:
roslaunch ylm_ros m20_node_launcher.launch sensor_ip_:=
Tip for showing help related to input args:
roslaunch ylm_ros m20_node_launcher.launch --ros-args
You can build/run tests with
catkin_make -Dtest=on run_tests
or with catkin_tools use:
catkin build -Dtest=on
catkin test ylm_ros
Warning: If you built using the test option you need to rebuild without the test option (follow the instructions in the Installation section above) to use the driver normally.
device_frame_id: TF2 frame to use to publish steering angles;
nb_packets_in_array_msg: Override for the number of packets per array (0 = automatically computed by driver based on FoV size);
organized_cloud: This driver can publish unorganized (dense) PointCloud2 messages or organized (image-like) PointCloud2 messages. Use this flag to switch between both;
color_range_max: Color palette range in meters when converting point cloud to depth map (organized_cloud must be True);
colormap_name: Choose between various color palettes for depth maps;
color_by_reflectivity: Color points by reflectivity.
range_min: minimum range of a valid detection;
range_max: maximum range of a valid detection;
min_brightness: minimum value for normalized reflectivity (value in range range [0., 1.0[);
max_brightness: maximum value that the unnormalized reflectivity can take. If this is too high, everything will appear dark;
The systems currently supported by this driver are listed below:
- HM25
This driver is known to work with
- ROS Noetic
- ROS Melodic