RSDownloader is a convenient downloader to download remote sensing products (like MODIS products) from LAADS DAAC website. The GUI is designed and written based on Figma (design tool) and Tkinter (GUI tool). The python code is modified based on python file from LAADS DAAC.
- Download remote sensing products easily.
- Save the input information automaticlly (config.txt).
- Load the saved information (config.txt) without inputing these information again.
- Can skip the downloaded files and continue downloading new files when download the files again due to some problems, like bad network connections.
- Give notifications when start downloanding and finish downloading.
- Beautiful GUI design : ).
If you are good at programming, you can download the source code which is SourceCode
and modify the code. If you are not good at programming, you can download client version which is RSDownloader
- Go to LAADS DAAC website
- Select data and submit order
- Find order and get order's URL
- Get Token
- Copy and paste TOKEN, URL and SAVE PATH information to RSDownloader
Here, you don't need to enter SAVE PATH information, when you click DOWNLOAD button, you can select save path.
- Download and create
After enter all required information and click DOWNLOAD button, the entered information will be automatically saved as config.txt
- Load
Click FILE button, you can load the saved config.txt
You can also create your own config file with different name, but make sure the file is .txt file. Then you can load different config files to download remote sensing products from different orders. Before creating your own config file, please make sure you input token, url and save path information like this format.
When start downloading the files and finish downloading the files, you can get downloading informations.
Please do not remove any figure in RSDOwnloader folder! The program will not work if any figure removed.