Nighclazz Zenika 10 mars 2015 : Spark & Machine Learning
#Prerequisite A docker environment Installation guide here :
#Create Spark-zeppelin Docker container
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8084:8084 -p 4040:4040 -e "SPARK_WORKER_CORES=3" -e "SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY=800m" -v ~/nightclazz_spark_ml:/opt/zeppelin/notebook --name=spark_zeppelin_standalone zenika/spark_zeppelin_standalone:latest
Inside a webbrowser : localhost:8080
In the Zeppelin front page (Welcome to zeppelin), click on "Import note" (on left below "Notebook")
Enter Titanic-1 as notebook name
Click on "Add from url"
use the following url
Do the same with Titanic 2 :