There's a chat now in case you have questions or suggestions:
(This might be a bit more lightweight than opening an issue and we can more
easily discuss features.)
1. Introduction
2. Motivation
3.1 Requirements
4.1 Command Line
4.7.1 Assumptions
4.7.2 How does it Work?
4.9 The
option -
4.10 The
The SPARK tools (i.e. GNATprove) leave behind a trove of information after a
proof run. spat
is intended to take these information and extract some useful
information from it (like for example, where the provers spent their time,
which provers solved the problem first etc. pp.). In a way, this tool serves a
similar purpose as the gnatprove2xls
tool, but it parses the "raw" data instead of post-processed output, hence it
has more information available, and it's written in Ada. (I considered using
Python, but rejected it, because that would have been too easy).
The idea is that making use of that information will help identify and fix bottlenecks during proof. As the format of these files is virtually undocumented, a little bit of reverse engineering may be required, but on the other hand, maybe the result is actual documentation.
You need a recent version of GNAT with the GNATCOLL library. GNAT CE 2019 or GNAT CE 2020 should suffice.
You also need the si_units library version 0.2.0 (or later) to be installed.
Note that the instructions are currently for Linux only, but installing it on Windows should be similarly straightforward. I also assume that SPARK users are familiar with compiling Ada code, so installing it on Windows shouldn't be an issue.
- Clone the SI_Units repository:
git clone
You may want to check out tag v0.2.0
, but any more recent version should do.
- Compile the SI_Units library:
gprbuild -p -P si_units/si_units_lib.gpr
- Install the SI Units library:
gprinstall -f -p -P si_units/si_units_lib.gpr
Depending on how your GNAT installation is set up, the latter command may
require elevated privileges to write into the installation directory, so if
needed, prepend sudo </path/to/gnat/installation/>/bin/
to the gprinstall
instruction above.
- Clone the SPAT repository:
git clone
- Compile it:
gprbuild -p -P spat/spat.gpr
- Install it:
gprinstall -f -p -P spat/spat.gpr
Depending on how your GNAT installation is set up, the latter command may
require elevated privileges to write into the installation directory, so if
needed, prepend sudo </path/to/gnat/installation/>/bin/
to the gprinstall
instruction above.
After that, the run_spat
executable should be installed in your GNAT
installation and is ready to use.
comes with Alire integration. all you need to
do is
alr get spat
cd spat_<directory>
alr build
gprinstall --relocate-build-tree=alire/build -f -p -P spat/spat.gpr
Depending on how your GNAT installation is set up, the latter command may
require elevated privileges to write into the installation directory, so if
needed, prepend sudo </path/to/gnat/installation/>/bin/
to the gprinstall
instruction above.
I added a tiny plug-in for GNAT Studio
that parses the output of spat
shows the proofs with their respective maximum times in the location window.
To make use of the script, you need to link or copy it into your
The plug-in adds the new menu item SPAT
into the SPARK
menu in
GNAT Studio
with the two entries Show All
and Show Unproved
Like many other GNAT related tools, spat
is designed to run against a GNAT
project file (. gpr
) to collect the information about the source files in the
Quick help:
run_spat -h
will give you a quick overview over the available command line options:
usage: run_spat [--help|-h] [--project|-P PROJECT] [--summary|-s]
[--report-mode|-r REPORT-MODE] [--suggest|-g] [--entity|-e
ENTITY[ENTITY...]] [--sort-by|-c SORT-BY] [--cut-off|-p CUT-OFF]
[--details|-d DETAILS] [--version|-V] [--raw|-R] [--verbose|-v]
Parses .spark files and outputs information about them.
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
--help, -h Show this help message
--project, -P PROJECT = GNAT project file (.gpr) (mandatory!)
--summary, -s List summary (per file)
--report-mode, -r Output reporting mode (REPORT-MODE: a = all, f =
failed, u = unproved, j = unjustified [implies
--suggest, -g Show suggestion for an optimal prover configuration
--entity, -e Filter output by ENTITY (regular expression), this
option can be specified multiple times
--sort-by, -c Sorting criterion (SORT-BY: a = alphabetical, s = by
minimum time for successful proof, t = by maximum proof
time, p = by minimum steps for successful proof, q =
by maximum steps)
--cut-off, -p Cut off point, do not show entities with proof times
less than that (CUT-OFF: <numeral>[s|ms])
--details, -d Show details for entities (report mode) (DETAILS:
[1|2|f] for level 1, 2 and full details. Please note
that 2 and f are currently equivalent.)
--version, -V Show version information and exit
--raw, -R Output timings in raw format (for script use)
--verbose, -v Verbose (tracing) output
The --project
argument is the only argument that is not optional, but without
a --report-mode
, or --summary
, or --suggest
argument, run_spat
will not
output anything. It will still try to parse the files it finds, though.
This option is intended to show a quick summary of the files analyzed.
run_spat -s -P saatana.gpr
Typical output would look like this:
saatana-crypto.spark => (Flow => 9.0 ms,
Proof => 80.0 ms (1 step)/80.0 ms (1 step)/6.8 s)
test_phelix.spark => (Flow => 180.0 µs,
Proof => 0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s)
saatana-crypto-phelix.spark => (Flow => 206.5 ms,
Proof => 174.3 s (14009 steps)/206.4 s (131078 steps)/568.7 s)
saatana.spark => (Flow => 464.0 µs,
Proof => 0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s)
saatana-crypto-lemmas.spark => (Flow => 2.1 ms,
Proof => 210.0 ms (1 step)/210.0 ms (1 step)/2.2 s)
test_phelix_api.spark => (Flow => 14.4 ms,
Proof => 240.0 ms (1 step)/240.0 ms (1 step)/23.1 s)
saatana-crypto-stream_tools.spark => (Flow => 71.0 µs,
Proof => 0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s)
saatana-crypto-phelix-test_vectors.spark => (Flow => 24.0 µs,
Proof => 0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s)
You can use the --sort-by
option with --summary
, either for an alphabetical
list (--sort-by=a
), a list sorted by time (--sort-by=t
, descending order,
so files with the most time needed by the provers come first), or a list sorted
by steps (--sort-by=p
). The options to sort by maximum time for successful
proof (--sort-by=s
) or by maximum steps for successful proof (--sort-by=q
are also available. By default, no particular order is imposed on the output.
For the meaning of the three timings after Proof =>
, please see below.
Note that the --details
option has no effect on the output here, this
option is designed to work with the --report-mode
option only.
This is the main mode the tool is designed to be run in. It outputs the list
of entities (i.e. Ada language identifiers) it finds in the .spark
files that
match the given filter option (see below).
By default, the output has no particular order, but as mentioned in the
previous chapter, with the --sort-by
option you can force one.
Output can be filtered progressively by applying more restrictions. These will be explained below.
If you just want to take a look at how the output of the tool looks like with all kind of different options, you can take a peek at the repository's test directory where I am storing templates for regression testing.
This reports all entities the tool found in the .spark
Run the command:
run_spat -ra -P saatana.gpr
Typical output looks like this:
Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Encrypt_Bytes => 174.3 s (10170 steps)/174.3 s (10170 steps)/189.0 s
Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Setup_Key => 640.0 ms (221 steps)/206.4 s (131078 steps)/219.2 s
Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Ctx_AAD_Len => 0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s
Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Encrypt_Packet => 100.0 ms (1 step)/100.0 ms (1 step)/2.0 s
Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.MAC_Size_32Predicate => 30.0 ms (1 step)/30.0 ms (1 step)/30.0 ms
Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Ctx_Msg_Len => 0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s
Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Ctx_I => 0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s
Saatana.Crypto => 0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s
Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Setup_Key_Called => 0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s
Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Ctx_Mac_Size => 0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s
Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Exclusive_Or => 110.0 ms (1 step)/110.0 ms (1 step)/540.0 ms
The first value you see after the Ada entity is the longest time (and steps) needed for a single successful proof, the second value is the maximum time (and steps) needed for a proof (successful or not), and the third value is the total sum of all proof times for this entity.
If the first and the second value vastly differ, that usually means that one of the provers involved could not prove a certain item, but another one could and was better at it. See below how to analyze this in a more detailed way.
If the first value is shown as --
, then that means, there was at least one
unsuccessful proof for this entity. An example:
SPARKNaCl.MAC.Onetimeauth => 340.0 ms (1 step)/340.0 ms (1 step)/3.7 s
SPARKNaCl.Seminormal_GFPredicate => 0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s
SPARKNaCl.ASR_4 => --/1.2 s (14001 steps)/1.4 s
SPARKNaCl.Car.Nearlynormal_To_Normal => --/1.4 s (803 steps)/17.5 s
SPARKNaCl.ASR_8 => --/3.3 s (14001 steps)/3.5 s
SPARKNaCl.Sign.Unpackneg.Pow_2523 => 0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s (0 steps)/0.0 s
When the --report-mode
is invoked with the failed
option, it will only show
proof attempts where at least one prover failed to prove the verification
condition. This does not necessarily mean that the proof itself failed.
Especially, if a different prover could prove the condition later, this is a
good indicator to look if the call order of the provers should be changed.
run_spat -ct -rf -P saatana.gpr
Typical output:
Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Setup_Key => 640.0 ms (221 steps)/206.4 s (131078 steps)/219.2 s
Here, we can see that there is one entity where a prover failed to prove the verification condition. As mentioned above, here you can see that the time for longest successful proof (640 ms) greatly differs from the maximum time for a single proof (206 s). This is a clear indicator, that one of the provers is not well suited to prove a certain verification condition.
When the --report-mode
is invoked with the --unproved
option, the tool will
only show proof attempts where all provers failed to prove the
verification condition, in other words, the tools lists all unproved VCs.
run_spat -ct -ru -P sparknacl.gpr
Typical output:
SPARKNaCl.Sign.Sign => --/57.6 s (14007 steps)/489.2 s
SPARKNaCl.Car.Nearlynormal_To_Normal => --/1.4 s (803 steps)/17.5 s
SPARKNaCl.ASR_16 => --/5.7 s (14001 steps)/5.9 s
SPARKNaCl.ASR_8 => --/3.3 s (14001 steps)/3.5 s
SPARKNaCl.ASR_4 => --/1.2 s (14001 steps)/1.4 s
Here, we can see that there are five entities with unproven verification
conditions (and no reported maximum time for successful proof, of course, so it
is shown as --
When the --report-mode
is invoked with the --unjustified
option, it will
only show unproven VCs (see above) which are not manually justified (i.e. those
which don't have a justification message).
run_spat -ct -rj -P sparknacl.gpr
Typical output:
SPARKNaCl.Sign.Sign => --/57.6 s (14007 steps)/489.2 s
SPARKNaCl.Car.Nearlynormal_To_Normal => --/1.4 s (803 steps)/17.5 s
Here, we can see that out of the five entities listed by the previous tool
invocation with --report-mode=unproved
only two entities are left which have
unproven VCs with no justification message.
When invoked together with one of the --report-mode
options, it will show all
the individual proof attempts (level 1) and paths (level 2) for an entity.
Example (with --report-mode=failed
and detail level 1):
run_spat -ct -rf -d 1 -P saatana.gpr
Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Setup_Key => 640.0 ms (221 steps)/206.4 s (131078 steps)/219.2 s
`-VC_RANGE_CHECK saatana-crypto-phelix.adb:466:44 => 640.0 ms (221 steps)/206.4 s (131078 steps)/207.1 s
Example (with --report-mode=failed
run_spat -ct -rf -d -P saatana.gpr
Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Setup_Key => 640.0 ms (221 steps)/206.4 s (131078 steps)/219.2 s
`-VC_RANGE_CHECK saatana-crypto-phelix.adb:466:44 => 640.0 ms (221 steps)/206.4 s (131078 steps)/207.1 s
`-Z3: 206.4 s (131078 steps), Unknown (unknown)
-CVC4: 640.0 ms (221 steps), Valid
Same example as the one a little above, but here you can see the individual proof results. It seems that Z3 is not well suited to prove this particular verification condition, but CVC4 can prove it quite fast. This is a good indicator that in that particular case, CVC4 should be called first to optimize proof times.
Without all the other --report-mode
options, all proof attempts will be shown
in a similar manner.
Please keep in mind that a single proof may have multiple paths leading to it, resulting in more than just one proof attempt for a single verification condition.
Another example (with --unproved
run_spat -ct -ru -d -P sparknacl.gpr
Typical output:
SPARKNaCl.Sign.Sign => --/57.6 s (14007 steps)/489.2 s
`-VC_OVERFLOW_CHECK sparknacl-sign.adb:890:36 => --/57.6 s (14007 steps)/238.7 s
`-CVC4: 51.6 s (14001 steps), Unknown (unknown)
-Z3: 7.9 s (14006 steps), Unknown (unknown)
`-CVC4: 50.5 s (14001 steps), Unknown (unknown)
-Z3: 8.8 s (14006 steps), Unknown (unknown)
`-CVC4: 50.7 s (14001 steps), Unknown (unknown)
-Z3: 7.2 s (14007 steps), Unknown (unknown)
SPARKNaCl.Car.Nearlynormal_To_Normal => --/1.4 s (803 steps)/17.5 s
`-VC_LOOP_INVARIANT_PRESERV sparknacl-car.adb:324:13 => --/1.4 s (367 steps)/1.9 s
`-CVC4: 1.4 s (1 step), Unknown (unknown)
-Z3: 590.0 ms (367 steps), Unknown (unknown)
`-VC_ASSERT sparknacl-car.adb:343:31 => --/790.0 ms (635 steps)/1.2 s
`-Z3: 790.0 ms (635 steps), Unknown (unknown)
-CVC4: 410.0 ms (1 step), Unknown (unknown)
SPARKNaCl.ASR_16 => --/5.7 s (14001 steps)/5.9 s
`-VC_POSTCONDITION => --/5.7 s (14001 steps)/5.8 s
`-Z3: 5.7 s (14001 steps), Unknown (unknown)
-CVC4: 80.0 ms (1 step), Unknown (unknown)
Justified with: "From definition of arithmetic shift right".
SPARKNaCl.ASR_8 => --/3.3 s (14001 steps)/3.5 s
`-VC_POSTCONDITION => --/3.3 s (14001 steps)/3.4 s
`-Z3: 3.3 s (14001 steps), Unknown (unknown)
-CVC4: 90.0 ms (1 step), Unknown (unknown)
Justified with: "From definition of arithmetic shift right".
SPARKNaCl.ASR_4 => --/1.2 s (14001 steps)/1.4 s
`-VC_POSTCONDITION => --/1.2 s (14001 steps)/1.3 s
`-Z3: 1.2 s (14001 steps), Unknown (unknown)
-CVC4: 80.0 ms (1 step), Unknown (unknown)
Justified with: "From definition of arithmetic shift right".
As above, but here you can see the individual proof results including any justification messages (if present).
Sometimes the (detailed) output is just too much and if you want to only see
the results for certain entities, then the --entity
option is for you. You
can specify multiple --entity
options. When invoked together with one of the
options, it will show only those entities that match one of the
given filters.
The expression after --entity
is expected to be a valid regular expression.
That means, in most cases when you do not want to specify the fully qualified
name you should start the expression with a "match anything" .*
Example (with --unproved
), show only those entities matching "ASR"
(Arithmetic Shift Right):
run_spat -ct -ru -d -e ".*ASR.*" -P sparknacl.gpr
This shows all unproved entities that match the expression ".*ASR.*"
SPARKNaCl.ASR_16 => --/5.7 s (14001 steps)/5.9 s
`-VC_POSTCONDITION => --/5.7 s (14001 steps)/5.8 s
`-Z3: 5.7 s (14001 steps), Unknown (unknown)
-CVC4: 80.0 ms (1 step), Unknown (unknown)
Justified with: "From definition of arithmetic shift right".
SPARKNaCl.ASR_8 => --/3.3 s (14001 steps)/3.5 s
`-VC_POSTCONDITION => --/3.3 s (14001 steps)/3.4 s
`-Z3: 3.3 s (14001 steps), Unknown (unknown)
-CVC4: 90.0 ms (1 step), Unknown (unknown)
Justified with: "From definition of arithmetic shift right".
SPARKNaCl.ASR_4 => --/1.2 s (14001 steps)/1.4 s
`-VC_POSTCONDITION => --/1.2 s (14001 steps)/1.3 s
`-Z3: 1.2 s (14001 steps), Unknown (unknown)
-CVC4: 80.0 ms (1 step), Unknown (unknown)
Justified with: "From definition of arithmetic shift right".
As above, but the SPARKNaCl.Sign.Sign
have been omitted as they don't match
the given filter expression.
This option allows you to prune the output from possibly irrelevant results.
You can give it a time value (either in seconds, which is the default or in
milliseconds which you can indicate by appending ms
to the number). Rational
numbers are supported.
If you don't specify a cut off point, the default is 0.0
, in other words, no
cut off.
Please note that due to how spat
works, the semantics of this cut off point
is different for the --report-mode
and --summary
the value applies to all entities and displayed verification conditions (for--details
with at least level 1). Here the maximum proof time (i.e. longest time for a single proof) is taken into account, not the total proof time. The rationale behind that is that if you want to optimize proof times, you need to know which proofs take longest, not how many proofs are for a single entity, so I am assuming you are not interested in proofs that take less than the cut off point, even if thousands of them would add up to a total time well beyond the cut-off point.Example:
run_spat -ra -ct -p 400ms -P saatana.gpr
Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Setup_Key => 640.0 ms (221 steps)/206.4 s (131078 steps)/219.2 s Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Encrypt_Bytes => 174.3 s (10170 steps)/174.3 s (10170 steps)/189.0 s Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Decrypt_Bytes => 4.0 s (3331 steps)/4.0 s (3331 steps)/18.6 s Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Finalize => 2.2 s (3029 steps)/2.2 s (3029 steps)/7.7 s Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.H => 6.0 s (14009 steps)/6.0 s (14009 steps)/6.0 s
run_spat -ra -ct -P saatana.gpr -p 5000ms
(or-p 5s
, or even-p 5
)Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Setup_Key => 640.0 ms (221 steps)/206.4 s (131078 steps)/219.2 s Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.Encrypt_Bytes => 174.3 s (10170 steps)/174.3 s (10170 steps)/189.0 s Saatana.Crypto.Phelix.H => 6.0 s (14009 steps)/6.0 s (14009 steps)/6.0 s
Notice that omitted entries disappear from the middle of the list, because the sorting criterion uses the total time spent, while the cut off point uses the maximum time.
Note that this works the same way if the
option is given. All verification conditions with a proof time below the cut off point will be omitted from the report. -
For the
option the value applies to the total proof time reported for that file, and not for individual proof time like in the--report-mode
option. That is because the tool assumes that if you want to see the summary on a per file (i.e. Adapackage
) basis, you are more interested in the total time spent for a file than a single proof.
First of all, this option is highly experimental. At some time in the near future I might write something more extensive about the implementation in the project's Wiki, but for now, the following must suffice.
When spat
is called with the option, it will try to find a better
configuration, i.e. file specific options for gnatprove
which you can add to
your project file.
assumes that the files are fully proven to the extent of the capability of the provers. Some undischarged VCs might remain, but in general, the project should be in a good state and the provers should be able to prove what can be proved.
The only information available to spat
when a prover succeeds is the time and
the steps it took it to succeed. Only when a prover fails and the next one in
the chain is called, spat
can infer more information.
For each source file referenced in the parsed .spark
files, spat
which provers were involved and also the maximum number of steps and the
longest time for each discharged VC (i.e. spat
assumes that undischarged VCs
are there by design).
That means, the output regarding steps and time (see example below) takes the current state of the project into account.
As for the order of the provers, that is a bit more tricky due to the lack of
information. Because spat
cannot know what is not known, I decided to go
with a rather simplistic heuristic which can be boiled down to two points:
- The more time a prover spends in unsuccessful proofs, the less likely it is to succeed.
- The more time a prover spends in successful proofs, the more likely it is to succeed.
This results in a very simple sorting order: The less "fail" time a prover has, the better it seems to be, and if that cannot be decided because the accumulated "fail" time of the provers for the source file is equal, the prover with the greater "success" time wins.
Of course, in most practical scenarios, the prover that will always be called first will likely also have the most success time.
run_spat -g -P sparknacl.gpr
Warning: You requested a suggested prover configuration.
Warning: This feature is highly experimental.
Warning: Please consult the documentation.
package Prove is
for Proof_Switches ("sparknacl-car.adb") use ("--prover=Z3,CVC4", "--steps=803", "--timeout=2");
for Proof_Switches ("sparknacl-core.adb") use ("--prover=CVC4", "--steps=1", "--timeout=1");
for Proof_Switches ("sparknacl-cryptobox.adb") use ("--prover=CVC4", "--steps=1", "--timeout=1");
for Proof_Switches ("sparknacl-hashing.adb") use ("--prover=CVC4", "--steps=1", "--timeout=1");
for Proof_Switches ("sparknacl-mac.adb") use ("--prover=CVC4", "--steps=1", "--timeout=1");
for Proof_Switches ("sparknacl-scalar.adb") use ("--prover=CVC4", "--steps=1", "--timeout=1");
for Proof_Switches ("sparknacl-secretbox.adb") use ("--prover=CVC4", "--steps=1", "--timeout=1");
for Proof_Switches ("sparknacl-sign.adb") use ("--prover=Z3,CVC4", "--steps=14007", "--timeout=10");
for Proof_Switches ("sparknacl-stream.adb") use ("--prover=CVC4", "--steps=1", "--timeout=1");
for Proof_Switches ("sparknacl-utils.adb") use ("--prover=Z3,CVC4", "--steps=1536", "--timeout=1");
for Proof_Switches ("sparknacl.adb") use ("--prover=Z3,CVC4", "--steps=1", "--timeout=1");
end Prove;
Here you may want to add the --verbose
switch to see some debug output.
As explained above, the steps
and timeout
output should be fairly accurate.
The call order of the provers is at best an educated guess.
Also, please note that this output never lists provers that have never been called, simply because we know nothing about them.
Worth mentioning is also that the steps reported here are different from the
steps reported in the --report-mode
option. This is due to the fact that
within the .spark
files steps are currently reported differently than the way
looks at them. The thing is that each prover has their own notion
of steps, but giving a --steps
option to gnatprove
should behave the same
regardless of the prover involved, so gnatprove
implements some transformation
to scale the number of steps to roughly the equivalent of alt-ergo steps.
I decided to implement the same scaling values that gnatprove
uses (which are
also the steps which are reported in the stats
object of the .spark
This option is mainly used for debugging, it enables extra output about what
is doing (i.e. files found in the given project file, parse results
and some timings).
Show version and compiler information for the executable. If that option is encountered, no other options take effect and the program immediately exits.
This is intended for scripts parsing the output of spat
. If this switch is
specified times are shown as raw numbers instead of properly scaled, human
readable output. This should make it easier for scripts to parse the numbers.
The sort option by successful proof time (i.e. --sort-by=s
) may work in a
slightly counter-intuitive way, so I explain it a bit. The explanation is
similar for sorting by successful proof steps (i.e. --sort-by=q
This option does not apply for the --cut-off
option, which still only takes
the maximum proof time into account.
The idea behind this sorting option is that you may want to know where provers spend useless time (e.g. where a prover is called which is known to not be able to prove a certain verification condition). After all, all provers have their strengths and weaknesses.
Sorting by maximum successful proof time usually only makes sense when also
invoked with the --report-mode=failed
(or even more restrictive) filter
option. That is because if there are no failed attempts, it doesn't really
matter what the best proof time would be, after all, the provers take all the
time they need. If you want to know the total effort spent, you can just as
well use --sort-by=t
Examples (mostly to show how the difference between --sort-by=t
By time:
run_spat -ct -rf -P sparknacl.gpr
SPARKNaCl.Sign.Sign => --/57.6 s (14007 steps)/489.2 s SPARKNaCl.Omultiply => 700.0 ms (1 step)/19.1 s (14001 steps)/28.6 s SPARKNaCl.Car.Nearlynormal_To_Normal => --/1.4 s (803 steps)/17.5 s SPARKNaCl.ASR_16 => --/5.7 s (14001 steps)/5.9 s SPARKNaCl.ASR_8 => --/3.3 s (14001 steps)/3.5 s SPARKNaCl.Utils.Pack_25519.Subtract_P => 150.0 ms (1 step)/180.0 ms (1 step)/1.8 s SPARKNaCl.ASR_4 => --/1.2 s (14001 steps)/1.4 s
By successful proof:
run_spat -cs -rf -P sparknacl.gpr
SPARKNaCl.Omultiply => 700.0 ms (1 step)/19.1 s (14001 steps)/28.6 s SPARKNaCl.Utils.Pack_25519.Subtract_P => 150.0 ms (1 step)/180.0 ms (1 step)/1.8 s SPARKNaCl.Sign.Sign => --/57.6 s (14007 steps)/489.2 s SPARKNaCl.Car.Nearlynormal_To_Normal => --/1.4 s (803 steps)/17.5 s SPARKNaCl.ASR_16 => --/5.7 s (14001 steps)/5.9 s SPARKNaCl.ASR_8 => --/3.3 s (14001 steps)/3.5 s SPARKNaCl.ASR_4 => --/1.2 s (14001 steps)/1.4 s
Notice, how the entries for SPARKNaCl.Omultiply
moved up?
Please note that unproved items are still shown, but due to the fact that they are unproved, they have no successful proof time (although there may be partial successes for the involved VCs), so with this sorting option they will always appear at the end.
Looking at Omultiply
in detail:
run_spat -d -cs -ra -P sparknacl.gpr -e .*Omultiply
SPARKNaCl.Omultiply => 700.0 ms (1 step)/19.1 s (14001 steps)/28.6 s
`-VC_LOOP_INVARIANT_PRESERV sparknacl.adb:164:13 => 40.0 ms (1 step)/19.1 s (14001 steps)/19.1 s
`-CVC4: 19.1 s (14001 steps), Unknown (unknown)
-Z3: 40.0 ms (1 step), Valid
`-VC_LOOP_INVARIANT_PRESERV sparknacl.adb:80:16 => 700.0 ms (1 step)/700.0 ms (1 step)/930.0 ms
`-CVC4: 700.0 ms (1 step), Valid
`-CVC4: 230.0 ms (1 step), Valid
`-VC_RANGE_CHECK sparknacl.adb:75:36 => 170.0 ms (1 step)/170.0 ms (1 step)/480.0 ms
`-CVC4: 170.0 ms (1 step), Valid
`-CVC4: 120.0 ms (1 step), Valid
`-CVC4: 110.0 ms (1 step), Valid
`-CVC4: 80.0 ms (1 step), Valid
`-VC_OVERFLOW_CHECK sparknacl.adb:75:48 => 140.0 ms (1 step)/140.0 ms (1 step)/420.0 ms
`-CVC4: 140.0 ms (1 step), Valid
`-CVC4: 110.0 ms (1 step), Valid
`-CVC4: 100.0 ms (1 step), Valid
`-CVC4: 70.0 ms (1 step), Valid
`-VC_LOOP_INVARIANT_INIT sparknacl.adb:80:16 => 120.0 ms (1 step)/220.0 ms (1 step)/400.0 ms
`-CVC4: 220.0 ms (1 step), Unknown (unknown)
-Z3: 60.0 ms (1 step), Valid
`-CVC4: 120.0 ms (1 step), Valid
You can see, where the 700 ms for the longest time for a successful proof comes
from (this VC would not be shown at all in --report-mode=failed
only reports accurate timings if it is used after a pristine run ofgnatprove
.That means, let's say you have a failed proof, you change the code, and run
again, all times reported for unchanged entitites will be0.0 s
.This can be used as an advantage though: Let's assume you are trying to improve the proof time for a certain proof, so you change the code (like adding helping assertion or restructure the logic) and then run
again. If you now runspat
again all unchanged proofs will be reported as having a time of 0.0 s, but the verification conditions that had to be re-verified will show the time spent proving them. Which, in the case of trying to optimize proof times is exactly what you want. -
option is highly experimental. As the name says, it is a suggestion.