A new Flutter project.
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
This project is a mobile application that allows users to log in using a social login (Google), view a list of hotels fetched from a URL, and see details of each hotel including its location on a map.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
- Assumed that the user has Flutter and Dart installed on their machine.
- Assumed that the backend service for fetching data is properly configured and running.
- Assumed that the Google Sign-In credentials are correctly set up in the Firebase console.
- Assumed that the project will be run on a android device/emulator with internet access.
- Assumed that the json images get failed. (HTTP request failed, statusCode: 429)
- Assumed that the images will show after the resolved server error, now show a assests image for that.
- Assumed that the app/gradle file is not issuse with duplicate kotlin versions.
- Implemented the BLoC pattern for state management.
- Added functionality for Google Sign-In.
- Included logout functionality that redirects to the login screen.
- Improved UI responsiveness and error handling.
- Enhanced code documentation and added comments for better readability.
- Added New color and text theme for better user Experience.
- Flutter SDK: Installation Guide
- Dart SDK: Included with Flutter (Flutter 3.22.2)
- Android Studio or Visual Studio Code (or any preferred IDE)
- Firebase Project with Google Sign-In enabled
Fetch Data:
- Run the application.
- The home screen should display data fetched from the provided URL.
- Check for proper data rendering and error handling.
Login View:
- Run the application.
- The login screen should appear.
- Click the "Sign-In with Google" button and authenticate using your Google account.
- After successful login, you should be redirected to the list view.
List View:
- The home screen should display a list of hotels fetched from the provided URL.
- Check for proper data rendering and error handling.
Detail View and Map View:
- Click on any hotel in the list to view its details.
- The detail view should display the hotel's image, title, and description.
- Click the navigation button to open the map view and verify that the hotel's location is correctly marked on the map.
- Click the logout button.
- Ensure that you are redirected back to the login screen.
- flutter pub get
- Download the google-services.json file from your Firebase console and place it in the android/app directory.
- flutter run
If you encounter issues with Google Sign-In, ensure that your google-services.json files are correctly placed and configured. Ensure that your Flutter SDK is up to date. Check for any dependency issues by running:
- flutter doctor