Type >help
to see commands.
Built using Discord.js and MongoDB Atlas Cloud.
Create a config.json file in the root directory for the bot like below
{ "prefix": ">", "token": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX", "mongoDbURI": "mongodb+srv://dbUser:yourusernameyoullfigurethisoutwhenyousetuponmongo", "steamWebAPIKey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "dmOnly": false }
prefix determines what users use to denote a command is for this bot, and can be any character
token is a discord bot user token and can be found after setting up a bot at the Discord Developer Portal
mongoDbURI likewise should be a link to mongoDb you set up
steamWebAPIKey is required for users to automatically add their steam library. It can be created on steam (account required)
dmOnly is a boolean config for whether or not certain commands will work only direct messaging the bot