HKCircularProgressView is a simple discrete/continuous circular progress view with current/max properties, customizable appearance and animatable.
- Use CocoaPods by adding pod 'HKCircularProgressView' in your Podfile.
- Manually:
- Clone this repository
- Copy HKCircularProgressView and HKCircularProgressLayer files (.h and .m) into your project.
- #import "HKCircularProgressView" and add the view as a subview (you can also do this from a .xib file).
The main properties are:
- Max: the maximum value.
- Current: the current value (the progress will be current/max).
- Step: if 0 then it will be a continuous progress view. If not, it will be a discrete progress view with (max/step) markers.
You can also configure the appearance of the view (also accessible through [HKCircularProgressView appearance]):
- progressTintColor: the color of the progression.
- trackTintColor: the color of the track (which is the part that is not yet completed).
- animationDuration: the duration of the animations.
- fillRadius: the amount of the circle that is filled. 1 draws a full circle, 0.5 draws half a circle (a ring), 0.25 a quarter, etc.
- startAngle: the angle, in radius, where the progression begins.
- drawFullTrack: indicates whether the track is fully drawn or not. YES will always draw a full circle of 'trackColor' color.
- outlineWidth: if 0 (by default), does nothing. If > 0 draws outlines for non-completed progress parts.
- outlineColor: color of the outlines, set to progressTintColor by default.
- endPoint: specifies how the progress' end-points (start and end) will be drawn. Default is flat ( HKCircularProgressEndPointFlat ) but the project contains 2 other built-in end-points: HKCircularProgressEndPointRound and HKCircularProgressEndPointSpike. The screenshot above shows all those 3 examples. You can create your own end-point by using the HKCircularProgressEndPointDrawer protocol.
If you want to use a HKCircularProgressView as a substitute for UIActivityIndicator, you can use the following methods to start/stop an animation that rotates the view clockwise:
- startAnimating.
- stopAnimating.