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HamsterStudent committed May 15, 2023
1 parent 6a3ac44 commit dafa6ef
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Showing 55 changed files with 1,819 additions and 460 deletions.
Binary file modified .DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
10 changes: 3 additions & 7 deletions Gemfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,18 +10,16 @@ source ""
# This will help ensure the proper Jekyll version is running.
# Happy Jekylling!
gem "jekyll", "~> 3.8.6"
# gem "jekyll", "~> 3.8.5"

# If you want to use GitHub Pages, remove the "gem "jekyll"" above and
# uncomment the line below. To upgrade, run `bundle update github-pages`.
# gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins

# If you have any plugins, put them here!
group :jekyll_plugins do
gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.11"
gem "jekyll-paginate"
gem "jekyll-feed"
gem "jekyll-sitemap"
gem "jekyll-archives"
gem "jekyll-seo-tag"

Expand All @@ -31,5 +29,3 @@ gem "tzinfo-data", platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby]
# Performance-booster for watching directories on Windows
gem "wdm", "~> 0.1.0" if Gem.win_platform?

gem "webrick", "~> 1.8"
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# Jekyll Paper for Github

![Jekyll Paper](./favicon.ico)

[English](./ | 简体中文

Jekyll Paper是一个依照纸质书籍排版设计的Jekyll主题,它旨在于帮助你以最方便最快捷的方式创建自己的博客。Jekyll Paper的设计风格以简洁为主,仿照书本的排版设计,使读者能专注于文章的阅读。

Jekyll Paper for Github是[Jekyll Paper][jekyll-paper]的子项目,它专为Github Pages设计,只包含了Github Pages环境支持的插件,可完美运行于Github Pages上。

## 特色

- 响应式设计
- 分页
- Sitemap
- 自定义404页面
- 国际化
- 可配置菜单栏
- SEO优化
- 分类目录索引
- 评论支持 (Disqus)
- 数学公式支持 (MathJax)
- 图表支持 (Mermaid)

## Getting Start

Jekyll Paper for Github的使用方法十分简单,只需要简单的几步即可创建自己的博客:

1. 打开[Jekyll Paper for Github](jekyll-paper-github)主页,登录Github账号并点击Fork,将项目复制到您的账号中。
2. 进入Fork的项目副本,打开设置页面(Setting)。
3. 将Repository name更改为`Github-用户名`,其中`Github-用户名`需要替换为您的用户名。
4. 访问`Github-用户名`

## 发布新的文章


## 设置导航栏


### 导航栏配置示例

- title: "Index"
url: ""

- title: "About"
url: "about"
## 支持的语言列表
Jekyll Paper for Github目前支持下列语言,欢迎参与提高翻译质量及增加更多语言。请在`_config.yml`文件中设置`language`的值,其默认值为`en`(`language: en`)。

- 简体中文
- 繁體中文
- English (英语)
- Español (西班牙语)
- Français (法语)
- Deutsche (德语)
- 日本語 (日语)
- Português (葡萄牙语)

## 预览


![Index Screenshot](./assets/images/index-screenshot.png)


![Post Screenshot](./assets/images/post-screenshot.png)


![Category Screenshot](./assets/images/category-screenshot.png)

## 许可

Jekyll Paper for Github通过MIT许可发布。

## 参与项目

如果您想参与Jekyll Paper for Github的开发,可以在Fork后提交新的PR。

若您有任何建议或者意见,可在[Jekyll Paper for Github Issues][jekyll-paper-github-issues]发布。

97 changes: 96 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,96 @@
## log
# Jekyll Paper for Github

![Jekyll Paper](./favicon.ico)

English | [简体中文](./

Jekyll Paper is a simple Jekyll theme, and it is aim to helping you to create your own blog by the easiest way.

Jekyll Paper for Github is the sub-project for [Jekyll Paper][jekyll-paper], it only contains Github Pages environment supported plugins.

This is a [demo website]( for Jekyll Paper for Github.

## Features

- Responsive
- Paginate
- Sitemap
- Custom 404 page
- Internationalization
- Configurable navigation menu
- SEO optimization
- Category Index
- Comments (Disqus)
- Mathematics (MathJax)
- Diagrams (Mermaid)

## Getting Start

Jekyll Paper for Github is easy to create your own blog. You can create your blog by four steps only!

1. Fork your own copy of [Jekyll Paper for Github][jekyll-paper-github] repository to your Github account.
2. Open setting page of your repository.
3. Change repository name to ``.
4. Enter `` in your browser.

## Add New Posts

You can add new posts at any time after you had your own blog. Create a new post need to add a new file in `_posts` directory, and the file name must follow the convention ``.

## Custom Navigation Menu

You can add or update navigation menu items in `_data/menus.yml` file. In the configuration file, you need set title and URL for every navigation menu item.

### Example

- title: "Index"
url: ""

- title: "About"
url: "about"
## Supported Languages
Jekyll Paper for Github has supported the following languages, please set language in `language` section of `_config.yml` file (default `language: en`). I'm anticipating you to help me improve the quality of translations and add more languages. The languages list by alphabets of its language code.

- English
- Deutsche (German)
- Español (Spanish)
- Français (French)
- 日本語 (Japanese)
- Português (Portuguese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 한국어 (Korean)

## Screenshots

The home page:

![Index Screenshot](./assets/images/index-screenshot.png)

The post page:

![Post Screenshot](./assets/images/post-screenshot.png)

The category page:

![Category Screenshot](./assets/images/category-screenshot.png)

## License

Jekyll Paper for Github was released under MIT license.

## Contributing

If you would like to make Jekyll Paper for Github better, you can create a new pull request in [Jekyll Paper Github Page][jekyll-paper-github].

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can create an issue on [Jekyll Paper for Github Issues][jekyll-paper-github-issues].

50 changes: 14 additions & 36 deletions _config.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,27 +1,16 @@
# Welcome to Jekyll-Paper!
# Welcome to Jekyll Paper for Github
# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values
# which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find
# yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files
# feature for the data you need to update frequently.
# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use
# 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process.
# This is the configuration file for your blog, please change these items after forked.

# Site settings
# These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files,
# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ }}, and so on.
# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
title: .log
email: [email protected]
name: Hamster Student
name: HamsterStudent
description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
keywords: [Hamster]
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g.
domain: "" # the domain name for your site, e.g.
Write an awesome description for your new site here.
keywords: [Your keywords]
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /`blog
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g.
domain: "" # the domain name for your site, e.g.
language: en
# Supported languages list:
# en: English
Expand All @@ -32,42 +21,31 @@ language: en
# pt: Português (Portuguese)
# zh-cn: 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
# zh-tw: 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
# ko : 한국어(Korean)
# ko : 한국어 (Korean)

analytics: # the Google Analytics property ID, e.g. UA-XXXXX-Y

paginate: 25
paginate_path: "/page:num/"

comments: false # enable comments
disqus: # disqus account

mathjax: true # Mathematics
mermaid: true # Diagrams
mathjax: true # Math support
diagram: true # Diagrams support

paginate: 25
paginate_path: "/page:num/"

permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title

sass_dir: _sass
style: expanded # compressed, compact, expanded or compressed

# Category settings
- categories
- tags
layout: archive
category: /category/:name/
tag: /tag/:name/

# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
- jekyll-feed
- jekyll-paginate
- jekyll-sitemap
- jekyll-archives
- jekyll-seo-tag
# Exclude from processing.
# The following items will not be processed, by default. Create a custom list
Expand Down

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