Currently the project is deployed off of branch "testing-amplify" on aws amplify at:
There is a basic login connected in this website example
When attempting to connect a rds database to amplify I found out that aws is now considering this connection to be legacy code and switching to focusing on only connecting amplify with no-sql dynamodb
So my next steps are working on connecting the project to aws Elastic Beanstalk using node.js and express. Then I will be able to connect EB with a rds. This part of the project will be shown and deployed on the branch "testing-eb"
To run the project locally, clone, then to run client cd client folder, npm install, npm start. To run the server, cd server then npm install, npm start
Client folder has all of the front end react.js code and the code for the individual pages and components can be found under client/src/components and app.js