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Basic simulation package for HERA-like redundant interferometric arrays.


  • Systematic Models: Many models of instrumental systematics in various forms, eg. thermal noise, RFI, bandpass gains, cross-talk, cable reflections and foregrounds.
  • HERA-tuned: All models have defaults tuned to HERA, with various default "sets" available (eg.H1C, H2C)
  • Interoperability: Interoperability with pyuvdata datasets and pyuvsim configurations.
  • Ease-of-use: High-level interface for adding multiple systematics to existing visibilities in a self-consistent way.
  • Visibility Simulation: A high-level interface for visbility simulation that is compatible with the configuration definition from pyuvsim but is able to call multiple simulator implementations.
  • Convenience: Methods for adjusting simulated data to match the times/baselines of a reference dataset.


At ReadTheDocs. In particular, for a tutorial and overview of available features, check out the tour.


Conda users

If you are using conda, the following command will install all dependencies which it can handle natively:

$ conda install -c conda-forge numpy scipy pyuvdata attrs h5py healpy pyyaml

If you are creating a new development environment, consider using the included environment file:

$ conda env create -f ci/tests.yaml

This will create a fresh environment with all required dependencies, as well as those required for testing. Then follow the pip-only instructions below to install hera_sim itself.

Pip-only install

Simply use pip install -e . or run pip install git+git://

Developer install

For a development install (tests and documentation), run pip install -e .[dev].

Other optional extras can be installed as well. To use baseline-dependent averaging functionality, install the extra [bda]. For the ability to simulate redundant gains, install [cal]. To enable GPU functionality on some of the methods (especially visibility simulators), install [gpu].

As the repository is becoming quite large, you may also wish to perform a shallow clone to retrieve only the recent commits and history. This makes the clone faster and avoid bottleneck in CI pipelines.

Provide an argument --depth 1 to the git clone command to copy only the latest revision of the repository.

git clone -–depth [depth]


We use semantic versioning (major.minor.patch) for the hera_sim package (see SemVer documentation). To briefly summarize, new major versions include API-breaking changes, new minor versions add new features in a backwards-compatible way, and new patch versions implement backwards-compatible bug fixes.