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How to Create a New Release with BUILD.CMD

Gerd Heber edited this page Jan 31, 2017 · 2 revisions


To build the project simply run build.cmd. This will build the latest version (upper most entry in It's possible to specify a specific version (1.8 or 1.10): build.cmd ver=1.8 or build.cmd ver=1.10.

build.cmd CMD ver=VER:

CMD Description
Build Builds the solution (using MSBuild)
Test Executes the UnitTests (using MSTest). This is the default command.
GenTemplate Generates the template file required by Paket to generate the NuGet-package (paket.template)
NuGet Pack the NuGet-package (temp/HDF.PInvoke.VERSION.nupkg)
Deploy Push the NuGet-package to the NuGet server

Deploy is not untested.


All of this is specified within build.fsx. An .fsx file is an F#-Script file. It will be executed by Fake.exe when calling build.cmd. Since Fake isn't part of the repository Paket will download it. This is pretty much the recommended way.


build.cmd Test ver=1.10
build.cmd NuGet ver=1.8


Renamed RunTests to Test so it is shorter and is more similar to the other commands.


(Typically, we will update 1.8 and 1.10, but there could be changes which affect only one API.)

  1. Make sure AppVeyor is happy!
  2. Bump the AssemblyFileVersion(s) in AssemblyInfo.cs
  3. Update the NuSpec(s)
  4. Push the NuGet package(s)
  5. Verify the NuGet package(s)
  6. Update
  7. Create a pull request.
  8. Create new release tag(s)
  9. Sit back & relax