- 国籍:中国。
- 年龄&性别:保密哦。
- 是文科生!代码只是兴趣哦!
- 目前略懂的语言:Java,Shell。
- Email:HChen_LXi@outlook.com
- Tip: 只接受 Furry 扩列!
- Nationality: China.
- Age & Gender: Confidential.
- It's a liberal arts student, Code is just an interest!
- Code I know a little at present: Java, Shell.
This is a Lsp module, Achieving app retention by modifying the system kill logic through Hook. 本模块通过Hook系统kill逻辑来实现后台保活,这是一个Lsp模块。
BGAppRetention module can enhance the retention capability of app background. And this is a magisk module.
解除小米"剪贴板和常用语"限制。Remove restrictions on Xiaomi's clipboard and common phrases.
Java 33