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evanwang13 authored Sep 27, 2019
1 parent 4d30bde commit ec64f8f
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Showing 18 changed files with 764 additions and 0 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions Functions/BlurGeomPostGrad.m
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% Apply blurring filters when specificed in OptParm
function DevicePattern = BlurGeomPostGrad(DevicePattern, iter, OptParm, GridScale)
MaxIterations = OptParm.Optimization.Iterations;

% Large blur every X iterations
if ((mod(iter,OptParm.Optimization.Filter.BlurLargeIter)==0)&&(iter<(MaxIterations - OptParm.Optimization.Filter.BlurLargeIterStop)))
FilterLarge = fspecial('disk',0.5*floor(OptParm.Optimization.Filter.BlurRadiusLarge/GridScale));
DevicePattern = imfilter(DevicePattern,FilterLarge,'circular');

% Small blur every Y iterations
elseif ((mod(iter,OptParm.Optimization.Filter.BlurSmallIter)==0)&&(iter<(MaxIterations - OptParm.Optimization.Filter.BlurSmallIterStop)))
FilterSmall = fspecial('disk',OptParm.Optimization.Filter.BlurRadiusSmall/GridScale);
DevicePattern = imfilter(DevicePattern,FilterSmall,'circular');
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions Functions/DefineGrid.m
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% Compute the simulation grid for given geometry
function [xGrid, yGrid, dr] = DefineGrid(Grid, Period, Wavelength)

%Number of grid points
NGrid = ceil(Grid*Period/Wavelength);
Nx = NGrid(1);
Ny = NGrid(2);

%Device period
Px = Period(1);
Py = Period(2);

%Compute external grid coordinates
xBounds = linspace(0,Px,Nx+1);
yBounds = linspace(0,Py,Ny+1);

%Compute size of each grid box
dx = xBounds(2) - xBounds(1);
dy = yBounds(2) - yBounds(1);

%Compute coordinates of center of each box
xGrid = xBounds(2:end)- 0.5*dx;
yGrid = yBounds(2:end)- 0.5*dy;

%Compute average grid size
dr = mean([dx dy]);
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions Functions/DensityFilter2D.m
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% Distance weighted averaging filter of radius R
function PatternOut = DensityFilter2D(PatternIn,Radius)
% If the radius is less than 1 pixel, no filter can be applied
if Radius<1
PatternOut = PatternIn;
% Define grid
[X1,X2] = meshgrid(-ceil(Radius):ceil(Radius),-ceil(Radius):ceil(Radius));

% Compute weights
Weights = Radius - (X1.^2+X2.^2).^(1/2);
Weights(Weights<0) = 0;
B = sum(Weights(:));

%Apply filter
PatternOut = imfilter(PatternIn, Weights/B, 'circular');
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions Functions/EnforceSymmetry.m
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% Enforces required symmetries in the pattern
% by folding over midline and averaging
function PatternOut = EnforceSymmetry(PatternIn, SymX, SymY)
PatternOut = PatternIn;
% Enforce X symmetry
if SymX
PatternOut = 0.5*(PatternIn+flipud(PatternIn));

% Enforce Y symmetry
if SymY
PatternOut = 0.5*(PatternIn+fliplr(PatternIn));
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions Functions/FilteredGrad2D.m
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% Computes the base pattern gradient from the density and threshold
% filtered gradient
function GradientOut = FilteredGrad2D(GradientIn,PatternIn,Bin,Midpoint,Radius)

% Compute the derivative of the threshold filter
% Threshold filter is a piecewise function centered around the Midpoint
if Bin~=0
PatternLow = Bin*(exp(-Bin*(1-PatternIn/Midpoint)))+exp(-Bin);
PatternHigh = exp(-Bin) + Bin*exp(-Bin*(PatternIn-Midpoint)/(1-Midpoint));
PatternLow = ones(size(PatternIn))/(2*Midpoint);
PatternHigh = ones(size(PatternIn))/(2*(1-Midpoint));

% Combine the two pieces of the threshold derivative
PatternLow(PatternIn>Midpoint) = 0;
PatternHigh(PatternIn<=Midpoint) = 0;
PatternDeriv = PatternLow + PatternHigh;

% Apply chain rule
Gradient = PatternDeriv.*GradientIn;

% Chain rule of the DensityFilter is another DensityFilter
GradientOut = DensityFilter2D(Gradient,Radius);
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions Functions/FineGrid.m
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% Transfers the pattern onto a finer/coarser grid specifid by the scaling
% factor Scale
function [PatternOut,XOut,YOut] = FineGrid(PatternIn,Period,Scale,Binarize,SmoothGeom)

Pattern = PatternIn;
[Nx, Ny] = size(PatternIn); % Size of input pattern

% Compute size of output pattern
NScaled = round(Scale.*[Nx Ny]);
NxScaled = NScaled(1);
NyScaled = NScaled(2);

% Blur pattern if option is specfied
if SmoothGeom == 1
Pattern = imgaussfilt(Pattern,Ny/50,'Padding','circular');

% Add extra pixels in order to allow for periodic interpolation
Pattern = [Pattern(:,end),Pattern];
Pattern = [Pattern(end,:);Pattern];

% Input grid
[X,Y] = meshgrid(0:Nx,0:Ny);

% Scaled grid
[XScaled,YScaled] = meshgrid(linspace(Nx/NxScaled,Nx,NxScaled),...

% Output coordinates
[XOut,YOut] = meshgrid(linspace(0,Period(1),NxScaled),...

if SmoothGeom == 1
% Use interpolation if smooth geometry is desired
PatternOut = interp2(X,Y,Pattern',XScaled,YScaled,'cubic')';
% Place pixels on a square grid otherwise
PatternOut = zeros([NxScaled NyScaled]);
for ii = 1:NxScaled
for jj = 1:NyScaled
PatternOut(ii,jj) = Pattern(ceil(ii*Nx/NxScaled),...

%Binarize if desired
if Binarize==1
PatternOut(PatternOut<0.5) = 0;
PatternOut(PatternOut>=0.5) = 1;
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions Functions/FractureGeom.m
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% Divides the given geometry into rectangles to be used in Reticolo
function GeometryOut = FractureGeom(PatternIn,nLow,nHigh,XGrid,YGrid)

% Acceptable refractive index tolerance in fracturing
Tolerance = .01;

% Extract grid parameters
dX = XGrid(2)-XGrid(1);
dY = YGrid(2)-YGrid(1);
[Nx, Ny] = size(PatternIn);

Geometry = {nLow}; %Define background index

% Define the areas with max refractive index (within tolerance)
% For complex values, tests the real part
PatternHigh = (PatternIn >= (nHigh - Tolerance));

% Define areas with higher than background refractive index
PatternElse = (PatternIn > (nLow + Tolerance));

MaxFractures = 2000;
RectCount = 1;

% Divide given PatternHigh geometry into rectangles
while (sum(PatternHigh(:)) > 0) && (RectCount <= MaxFractures)
[X1,Y1] = find(PatternHigh==1,1);
Rect = [X1,X1,Y1,Y1];

% Find largest silicon rectangle from inital point
Fracturing = 1;
while Fracturing
% Attempt to expand rectangle in x direction
if (Rect(2)<Nx)&&(sum(sum(PatternHigh(Rect(2)+1,Rect(3):Rect(4))))==(Rect(4)-Rect(3)+1))
Rect(2) = Rect(2) + 1;

% Attempt to expand in y direction
elseif (Rect(4)<Ny)&&(sum(sum(PatternHigh(Rect(1):Rect(2),Rect(4)+1)))==(Rect(2)-Rect(1)+1))
Rect(4) = Rect(4) + 1;
Fracturing = 0;

% Remove pixels of fractured areas
PatternHigh(Rect(1):Rect(2),Rect(3):Rect(4)) = 0;
PatternElse(Rect(1):Rect(2),Rect(3):Rect(4)) = 0;

%Record size of the rectangle
dXGrid = 0.5*(XGrid(Rect(1)) + XGrid(Rect(2))); % Grid point size
dYGrid = 0.5*(YGrid(Rect(3)) + YGrid(Rect(4)));
dXLength= dX*(Rect(2)-Rect(1)+1); % Physical Size
dYLength = dY*(Rect(4)-Rect(3)+1);

if isequal(Geometry{end},[dXGrid,dYGrid,dXLength,dYLength,nHigh,1])
disp('Warning: duplicate structure');

% Add rectangle to list
Geometry = [Geometry,{[dXGrid,dYGrid,dXLength,dYLength,nHigh,1]}];

RectCount = RectCount + 1;
if RectCount > (MaxFractures * 0.95)
disp('Warning: High fracture count');

% Fracture non binarized pixels
for i = 1:Nx % Defining texture for patterned layer. Probably could have vectorized this.
for j = 1:Ny
if PatternElse(i,j)==1
% Add each reamaining pixel and its refractive index independently
Geometry = [Geometry,{[XGrid(i),YGrid(j),dX,dY,PatternIn(i,j),1]}];
GeometryOut = Geometry;
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Functions/GaussFilter2D.m
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%Gaussian weighted averaging within radius Sigma
function PatternOut = GaussFilter2D(PatternIn,Sigma)
PatternOut = imgaussfilt(PatternIn, Sigma, 'padding', 'circular');
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions Functions/GaussGrad2D.m
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% Computes the base pattern gradient from the Gaussian and threshold
% filtered gradient
function GradientOut = GaussGrad2D(GradientIn,PatternIn,Bin,Midpoint,Sigma)

% Compute the derivative of the threshold filter
% Threshold filter is a piecewise function centered around the Midpoint
if Bin~=0
PatternLow = Bin*(exp(-Bin*(1-PatternIn/Midpoint)))+exp(-Bin);
PatternHigh = exp(-Bin) + Bin*exp(-Bin*(PatternIn-Midpoint)/(1-Midpoint));
PatternLow = ones(size(PatternIn))/(2*Midpoint);
PatternHigh = ones(size(PatternIn))/(2*(1-Midpoint));

% Combine the two pieces of the threshold derivative
PatternLow(PatternIn>Midpoint) = 0;
PatternHigh(PatternIn<=Midpoint) = 0;
PatternDeriv = PatternLow + PatternHigh;

% Apply chain rule
Gradient = PatternDeriv.*GradientIn;

% Chain rule of Gaussian filter is another Gaussian
GradientOut = DensityFilter2D(Gradient ,Sigma);
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions Functions/GenerateBVector.m
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% Defines the values of B, the binarization rate, at each iteration
% Plot BVector to see the progression of binarization
function BVector = GenerateBVector(MaxIterations, BinParm)
% Extract parameters
BMin = BinParm.Min;
BMax = BinParm.Max;
BStart = BinParm.IterationStart;
BHold = BinParm.IterationHold;

BMid = BMax/20;

BVector = zeros(1,MaxIterations);

Bmult1 = (BMid/BMin)^(1/floor((round(MaxIterations/2)-BStart)/BHold));
Bmult2 = (BMax/BMid)^(1/floor((round(MaxIterations/2))/BHold));

% The binarization speed is a piecewise function
BVector((BStart+1):round(MaxIterations/2)) = BMin*Bmult1.^(floor((1:(round(MaxIterations/2)-BStart))/BHold));
BVector((round(MaxIterations/2)+1):end) = BMid*Bmult2.^(floor((1:(MaxIterations-round(MaxIterations/2)))/BHold));
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions Functions/GenerateThreshVectors.m
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% Interpolate between the start and end edge deviations to create
% and edge deviation value for each iteration
function [ThresholdVectors, NRobustness] = GenerateThreshVectors(OptParm)
% Extract necessary parameters
MaxIterations = OptParm.Optimization.Iterations;
Start = OptParm.Optimization.Robustness.StartDeviation;
End = OptParm.Optimization.Robustness.EndDeviation;
Ramp = OptParm.Optimization.Robustness.Ramp;
NRobustness = length(Start);

% Error if the dimensions don't match
if NRobustness ~= length(End)
error('Robustness vectors are not the same length!');

% Generate edge deviation vector
DeviationVectors = zeros(NRobustness, MaxIterations);
for ii = 1:NRobustness
DeviationVectors(ii, 1:Ramp) = linspace(Start(ii), End(ii), Ramp);
DeviationVectors(ii, (Ramp+1):end) = End(ii);

% Generate corresponding thresholding values
ThresholdVectors = 0.5*(1-erf(DeviationVectors/OptParm.Optimization.Filter.BlurRadius));
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions Functions/Initialize.m
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% Initialize default values for necessary optimization parameters
function [OptParm] = Initialize()
OptParm.Input.Wavelength = 1000; % Wavelength of incident light
OptParm.Input.Polarization = 'TM'; % Polarization: can be 'TM', 'TE' or 'Both'
OptParm.Input.Theta = 0; % Incident angle (angle given in air)

OptParm.Geometry.Period = [1500, 500]; % Period of the device
OptParm.Geometry.Thickness = 350; % Device layer thickness
OptParm.Geometry.Substrate = 1.45; % Refractive index of substrate
OptParm.Geometry.Device = 3.45; % Refractive index of device
OptParm.Geometry.Top = 1; % Refractive index of upper layer

% Symmetry enables faster computation
OptParm.Geometry.SymmetryY = 1; % Enforces symmetry in the Y direction
OptParm.Geometry.SymmetryX = 0; % Enforces symmetry in the X direction

OptParm.Simulation.Grid = 90; % Grid points per wavelength
OptParm.Simulation.Fourier = [14 14]; % Number of Fourier orders per wavelength in x and y respectively
OptParm.Simulation.ZGrid = 50; % Number of slices in device layer at which fields are computed

OptParm.Optimization.Target = 1; % Target diffraction order in the x-direction for each polarization i.e. [1 -1]

OptParm.Optimization.Iterations = 350; % Max iterations
OptParm.Optimization.Gradient.StepSize = 0.1; % Initial gradient step size
OptParm.Optimization.Gradient.StepDecline = 0.992; % Multiplying factor that decreases step size each iteration

OptParm.Optimization.Filter.BlurRadiusSmall = 5; % Blur radius for small blurring
OptParm.Optimization.Filter.BlurRadius = 20; % Blurring radius used for second blurring
OptParm.Optimization.Filter.BlurRadiusLarge = 60; % Blurring radius for initial blurring
OptParm.Optimization.Filter.BlurSmallIter = 5; % Frequency of small blurring
OptParm.Optimization.Filter.BlurSmallIterStop = 25; % Steps at the end of optimization which have no blurring
OptParm.Optimization.Filter.BlurLargeIter = 60; % Frequency of large blurring
OptParm.Optimization.Filter.BlurLargeIterStop = 50; % Steps at the end of optimization which have no blurring

% Parameters for defining the binarization rate B. Smaller B is a
% less-sharp function, a large B will create a step function that cuts off
% at the different values of N.
OptParm.Optimization.Binarize.Min = 1; % Minimum value of B that is used after it is initialized.
OptParm.Optimization.Binarize.Max = 50; % Maximum value of B
OptParm.Optimization.Binarize.IterationStart = 1; % Iteration at which B is allowed to be nonzero.
OptParm.Optimization.Binarize.IterationHold = 20; % Number of iterations during which B is kept constant before increasing (after it is initialized)

% Start and End should be the same length. Each element represents a
% separate thread of the optimization at a different flat edge deviation in nm.
OptParm.Optimization.Robustness.StartDeviation = [-5 0 5]; % Starting edge deviation values
OptParm.Optimization.Robustness.EndDeviation = [-5 0 5]; % Ending edge deviation values
OptParm.Optimization.Robustness.Ramp = 30; % Iterations over which the thresholding parameter changes
OptParm.Optimization.Robustness.Weights = [.5 1 .5]; % Gradient weight for each robustness value

OptParm.Optimization.Start = []; % Input pattern matrix as starting point. Leave empty to generate random starting point

% Parameters for random starting point. See RandomStart for details.
% Ignored if starting point is already provided
OptParm.Optimization.RandomStart.Pitch = 100; % Grid size on which to create random Gaussians
OptParm.Optimization.RandomStart.Average = 0.6; % Average refractive index
OptParm.Optimization.RandomStart.Sigma = 0.5; % Standard deviation of the refractive index

OptParm.Display.ShowText = 1; % Display progress as console output
OptParm.Display.PlotGeometry = 1; % Display current device geometry as image
OptParm.Display.PlotEfficiency = 0; % Plot device efficiency vs iteration

% Checkpointing saves the optimization state to a temporary file
% and allows restarting from the previous checkpoint if the optimization is
% interrupted
OptParm.Checkpoint.Enable = false; % Enable checkpointing behavior
OptParm.Checkpoint.File = ''; % Checkpoint file name
OptParm.Checkpoint.Frequency = 10; % Number of iterations between checkpoints

% Disable parfor warning messages

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