It is the code from the Hassan Rivaz's paper .Below is the description from his website :
Ultradound Elastography (C and Matlab MEX) Code and RF data
The code runs with more recent versions of Matlab in PC, Mac OS X and Linux platforms as well. Please let me know if you have problems running it.
The algorithm is based on the following two papers. If you use the code or the RF data (which contains data from some patient trials of liver ablation), please cite these papers.
Rivaz, H., Boctor, E., Choti, M., Hager, G., Real-Time Regularized Ultrasound Elastography, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, April 2011, vol. 30 pp 928-945 pdf.
Rivaz, H., Boctor, E., Foroughi, P., Zellars, R., Fichtinger, G., Hager, G., Ultrasound Elastography: a Dynamic Programming Approach, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging Oct. 2008, vol. 27 pp 1373-1377 pdf.