Demonstration on how to use Camel K and Camel Extensions for Quarkus to run the ldap component.
Parameter | Example Value | Definition |
token |
sha256~vFanQbthlPKfsaldJT3bdLXIyEkd7ypO_XPygY1DNtQ |
access token for a user with cluster-admin privileges |
server |
OpenShift cluster API URL |
This demo has 3 different implementations. Each one of them will require different steps. For more info:
All the examples will expose the same REST interface that is described in the open-api schema created using Apicurito. So use curl to list objects saved on the LDAP container.
Example calls:
Query specific user:
LDAP_ROUTE=$(oc get route ldap-route -n camel-k-ldap -o jsonpath='{}')
curl --location "http://$LDAP_ROUTE/ldap?query=cn%3Duser01"