This repository provides a MATSim transport model for the region of Gladbeck in the metropolitan area Ruhr (Metropole Ruhr) in Germany, developed by the Transport Systems Planning and Transport Telematics group of Technische Universität Berlin. It is currently under development.
The MATSim program code in this repository is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (version 2). The MATSim program code are files that reside in the src
directory hierarchy and typically end with *.java
The MATSim input files, output files, analysis data and visualizations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
MATSim input files are those that are used as input to run MATSim. They often, but not always, have a header pointing to They typically reside in the scenarios
directory hierarchy. MATSim output files, analysis data, and visualizations are files generated by MATSim runs, or by postprocessing. They typically reside in a directory hierarchy starting with output
Other data files, in particular in original-input-data
, have their own individual licenses that need to be individually clarified with the copyright holders.
Handling of large files within git is not without problems (git lfs files are not included in the zip download; we have to pay; ...). In consequence, large files, both on the input and on the output side, reside at .
- Get VIA from (There is a free license for a small number of agents; that will probably work but only display a small number of vehicles/agents.)
- Go to
- Inside there, look for an
directory that you find interesting and go into that directory. - Download
. Best make sure that they do not uncompress, e.g. by "Download linked file as ...". - Get these files into VIA. This can be achieved in various ways; one is to open VIA and then drag the files from a file browser into VIA.
- Run VIA and enjoy.
- Click on
Clone or download
and then onDownload ZIP
. - Unzip the repository.
- Go to "Run the scenario" below.
- Install git for the command line.
- Type
git clone
in the command line.
(Or use your IDE, e.g. Eclipse, IntelliJ, to clone the repository.)
This will result in a new matsim-metrople-gladbeck
directory. Memorize where you have put it. You can move it, as a whole, to some other place.
- Go into the
directory. - Type
git pull
(Or use your IDE, e.g. Eclipse, IntelliJ, to update the repository.)
This will update your repository to the newest version.
(Requires either cloning or downloading the repository.)
There are two config files for a 10pct
and 3pct
scenario. The default ist 3pct
, the other config is not in a fully relaxed calibrated state.
You can build an executable jar-file by executing one of the following commands in the top directory. This will download all necessary dependencies (it might take a while the first time it is run) and dump the jar into the top directory.
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests=true
- or on Windows:
mvnw.cmd clean package -DskipTests=true
Double-click on that .jar file (in a file system browser). Alternatively, try opening it with the following command:
java -jar [FILENAME].jar
In the GUI, click on the "Choose" button for configuration file. Navigate to one of the
directories and load one of the configuration files. -
Increase memory in the GUI.
Press the "Start MATSim" button. This should run MATSim. Note that MATSim accepts URLs as filenames in its config, so while the config files are part of the git repo, running them will pull additional material from our server.
"Open" the output directory. You can drag files into VIA as was already done above.
"Edit..." (in the GUI) the config file. Re-run MATSim.
- Set up the project in your IDE.
- Make sure the project is configured as maven project.
- Run the JAVA class
. - "Open" the output directory. You can drag files into VIA as was already done above.
- Edit the config file or adjust the run class. Re-run MATSim.
For more information about MATSim, see here:
Some functionality in this repository is based on the 'MATSim Open Ruhrgebiet' model ( where the development was made possible by Stiftung Mercator ( within the project Neue Emscher Mobilität (NEMO,
The travel demand data for the metropolitan area Ruhr is provided by Senozon Deutschland GmbH (