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[SMP] Back-port AP startup
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PeyTy committed Aug 1, 2024
1 parent 5a8c313 commit d547393
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Showing 4 changed files with 344 additions and 2 deletions.
297 changes: 295 additions & 2 deletions devices/acpi/acpi.hexa
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ class AcpiMcfg {
var entries ArrayByValue<ByValue<AcpiMcfgEntry>, 0>

// TODO move to apic.hexa
@struct @packed
class AcpiApic {
// TODO static let sign = @acpiHeaderSignature 'APIC'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,6 +158,7 @@ class PciGroup {

// TODO move acpiParser.hexa
class ACPIParser {
static fun parse(acpiVendorTable UInt64) Bool {
serialPrint("[ACPI] parsing started at physical ")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,9 +291,300 @@ class ACPIParser {

// TODO test volatile
@volatile static var coresAp UInt64 = 1

static fun apStart() {
// TODO seems useless, cause main CPU waits for SIPIs anyway
// apLock.lock()

let core = coresAp + 1
quakePrintf("CPU #%u initialized, ".utf16(), core)
// apLock.unlock()

while true {

static let smpEnabled Bool = false

// TODO Hexa: `<T>` note: not @volatile by default
static fun writeToUInt64(address UInt64, value UInt64) Void {
let at = address as! ArrayPointer<@volatile UInt64>
at[0] = value

static fun writeToUInt32(address UInt64, value UInt32) Void {
let at = address as! ArrayPointer<@volatile UInt32>
at[0] = value

static fun readFromUInt32(address UInt64) UInt32 {
let at = address as! ArrayPointer<@volatile UInt32>
return at[0] // TODO as! UInt32

// Note: non volatile
static fun readFromUInt8(address UInt64) UInt8 {
let at = address as! ArrayPointer<UInt8>
return at[0] // TODO as! UInt32

static fun loadApic(apic AcpiApic) {
var local ArrayPointer<UInt32> = (apic.localAddress) as! ArrayPointer<UInt32>
serialPrintf("loadApic begin\n")
// TODO Delay between IPI-SIPI + disable PIC
if not smpEnabled { return }

let apic_base_flag = 0xFFFFF000u32
let apic_enable_flag = 0x800u32

let ia32_apic_base = 27u64
wrmsr(ia32_apic_base, (apic.localAddress & apic_base_flag) | apic_enable_flag)

// TODO define this in globals
let virtualLocalApic = wholePhysicalStart + (32u64 * 1024u64 * 1024u64 * 1024u64)
let physicalLocalApic = apic.localAddress

fun localApicOut(reg UInt64, data UInt32) Void {
// TODO Hexa: volatile types cannot be assigned
// TODO Hexa: code gen
// let at = (virtualLocalApic + reg) as! ArrayPointer<@volatile UInt32>
// at[0] = data
writeToUInt32(virtualLocalApic + reg, data)

// TODO Hexa: optimize to `fun`: `let localApicIn = (reg UInt64) => {`
// TODO Hexa: disable (arg TYPE_THIS_THING) for arrow fun-s, let use `fun` when non-inferrable
fun localApicIn(reg UInt64) UInt32 {
// TODO return readFrom<ArrayPointer<@volatile UInt32>>(virtualLocalApic + reg)
// let at = (virtualLocalApic + reg) as! ArrayPointer<@volatile UInt32>
// return at[0]
return readFromUInt32(virtualLocalApic + reg)

let lapic_tpr = 0x0080u64 // Task Priority
let lapic_dfr = 0x00e0u64 // Destination Format
let lapic_ldr = 0x00d0u64 // Logical Destination
let lapic_svr = 0x00f0u64 // Spurious Interrupt Vector

mapMemory(pml4entries, virtualLocalApic, physicalLocalApic, 1)

localApicOut(lapic_tpr, 0) // Clear task priority to enable all interrupts
localApicOut(lapic_dfr, 0xffffffffu32) // Flat mode
localApicOut(lapic_ldr, 0x01000000) // All CPUs use logical id 1
localApicOut(lapic_svr, 0x100u32 | 0xff) // Configure Spurious Interrupt Vector Register

let virtualIoApic = wholePhysicalStart + (33u64 * 1024u64 * 1024u64 * 1024u64)
var physicalIoApic = 0u64

let count = acpiTableEntries(apic, 1)
var data ArrayPointer<UInt8> = apic.controllerData.ref
let end = data.offsetItems(count)

while data.address < end.address {
let type = data[0] as! ApicType
let length = data[1]
switch type {
let s = data as! ApicIoApic
physicalIoApic = s.ioApicAddress

data = data.offsetItems(length)

mapMemory(pml4entries, virtualIoApic, physicalIoApic, 1) // Map memory, 1 page

let ioregsel = 0x00
let iowin = 0x10

let ioapicid = 0x00
let ioapicver = 0x01u8
let ioapicarb = 0x02
let ioredtbl = 0x10u8

fun ioApicOut(base UInt64, reg UInt8, val UInt32) Void {
writeToUInt32(base + ioregsel, reg)
writeToUInt32(base + iowin, val)

fun ioApicIn(base UInt64, reg UInt8) UInt32 {
writeToUInt32(base + ioregsel, reg)
return readFromUInt32(base + iowin)

fun ioApicSetEntry(base UInt64, index UInt8, data UInt64) Void {
ioApicOut(base, ioredtbl + index * 2u8, data as! UInt32)
ioApicOut(base, ioredtbl + index * 2 + 1u8, (data >> 32) as! UInt32)

fun ioApicInit() Void {
let x = ioApicIn(virtualIoApic, ioapicver)
let count = ((x >> 16) & 0xff) + 1u8 // Maximum redirection entry

for i in count { // Disable all entries
ioApicSetEntry(virtualIoApic, i, 1u64 << 16)


fun acpiRemapIrq(irq UInt32) UInt32 {
let count = acpiTableEntries(apic, 1)
var data ArrayPointer<UInt8> = apic.controllerData.ref
// TODO Hexa: produces UInt64 `let end = data + count`
let end = data.offsetItems(count)

while data.address < end.address {
let type = data[0] as! ApicType
let length = data[1]

switch type {
let s = data as! ApicInterruptOverride
if s.source == irq {
return s.interrupt

data = data.offsetItems(length)

return irq

let int_timer = 0x20u64
let irq_timer = 0x00u32
ioApicSetEntry(virtualIoApic, acpiRemapIrq(irq_timer) as! UInt8, int_timer)

let lapic_eoi = 0x00b0u64 // End of Interrupt
localApicOut(lapic_eoi, 0)

let trapeze = 0x8000 + wholePhysicalStart
let trapezePhysical = trapeze - wholePhysicalStart
mapMemory(pml4entries, trapeze, trapezePhysical, 1)
mapMemory(pml4entries, 0x8000u64 - 4096, 0x8000u64 - 4096, 16)

let ready = trapeze + 8
let cpu_id = ready + 8
let page_table = cpu_id + 8

let stack_start = page_table + 8
let stack_end = stack_start + 8
let code = stack_end + 8

let pml4 = code + 8

var data = apic.controllerData.ref
let count = acpiTableEntries(apic, 1)
let end = data.offsetItems(count)
let bsp = 0 // TODO Get from LAPIC MSR?
let x2 = false // TODO

while data.address < end.address {
let type = data[0]
let length = data[1]

switch type {
case 0:
let position = data as! UInt64
let cpuid = readFromUInt8(position + 2)
let lapicid = readFromUInt8(position + 3)
let flags = readFromUInt8(position + 4)

if bsp == cpuid {
// TODO break // TODO Hexa

if (flags & 0x1) == 0 {
// TODO break // TODO Hexa

let _stack_start = PhysicalAllocator.allocatePages(64)
let _stack_end = stack_start + 64 * 4096

let pml4 = (pml4entries as! UInt64) - wholePhysicalStart
writeToUInt64(ready, pml4)
writeToUInt64(cpu_id, cpuid)
writeToUInt32(page_table, ((pml4entries as! UInt64) - wholePhysicalStart) as! UInt32)
// TODO &globalGdtr
let gtdAt = ((globalGdtr as! UInt64) - wholePhysicalStart) as! UInt32
// TODO is UInt32 is really enough here?
writeToUInt32(page_table + 4, gtdAt)
writeToUInt64(stack_start, _stack_start)
writeToUInt64(stack_end, _stack_end)
// TODO `.meta.address`
writeToUInt64(code, apStart as! UInt64)


let icr = 0x4500
if x2 {
} else {
let lapic_icrhi = 0x0310u64 // Interrupt Command [63:32]
let icr_destination_shift = 24u32
let lapic_icrlo = 0x0300u64 // Interrupt Command
let icr_init = 0x00000500u32
let icr_physical = 0x00000000u32
let icr_assert = 0x00004000u32
let icr_edge = 0x00000000u32
let icr_no_shorthand = 0x00000000u32
let icr_send_pending = 0x00001000u32

let apic_id = lapicid
localApicOut(lapic_icrhi, apic_id << icr_destination_shift)
localApicOut(lapic_icrlo, icr_init | icr_physical | icr_assert | icr_edge | icr_no_shorthand)

while (localApicIn(lapic_icrlo) & icr_send_pending) != 0 {

let currentCoresAp = coresAp

let trampoline = 0x8000u64
let ap_segment = (trampoline >> 12u64) & 0xFFu64
var icr = 0x4600u64 | ap_segment

if x2 {
} else {
icr |= (cpuid << 56u64)

while localApicIn(0x300u64) & 1u32 << 12u32 == 1u32 << 12u32 {

localApicOut(0x310, (icr >> 32u64) as! UInt32)
localApicOut(0x300, icr as! UInt32)

while localApicIn(0x300u64) & 1u32 << 12u32 == 1u32 << 12u32 {

let apic_id = lapicid
let vector = icr
let icr_startup = 0x00000600 // TODO

while currentCoresAp == coresAp {

data = data.offsetItems(length)

serialPrintf("loadApic done\n")

static fun loadMcfg(mcfg AcpiMcfg) {
Expand Down
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions devices/acpi/apic.hexa
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@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
// The Tofita Engine
// Copyright (C) 2024 Oleh Petrenko
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.

enum ApicType: UInt8 {

@struct @packed
class ApicHeader {
let type UInt8
let length UInt8

@struct @packed
class ApicIoApic {
let header ByValue<ApicHeader>
let ioApicId UInt8
let reserved UInt8
let ioApicAddress UInt32
let globalSystemInterruptBase UInt32

@struct @packed
class ApicInterruptOverride {
let header ByValue<ApicHeader>
let bus UInt8
let source UInt8
let interrupt UInt32
let flags UInt16
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions devices/cpu/amd64.hexa
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ declare fun disableAllInterrupts() Void
@emitHeader @linkAsIs
declare fun enableAllInterruptsAndHalt() Void

declare fun __sync_synchronize() Void

@emitHeader @linkAsIs
declare fun pause() Void
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions hexa.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
Expand Down

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