Now, Sublime Text3 is supported
ZyFileheader is a plugin for Sublime Text2&3 which adds a file header like
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# @@ScriptName:
# @@Author: Your name here<Your email here>
# @@Create Date: 2012-11-25 22:24:14
# @@Modify Date: 2012-11-25 22:24:34
# @@Function:
to your new created file, and you could define the header for yourself. Currently the plugin supports python and shell, which are my most used.
- The easiest way to install ZyFileheader is via the excellent Package Control Plugin
- NOTE at the time of writing this, it's not in the default Package Control channel. Please add it via
- Open up the command palette
- Select "Package Control: Add Repository"
- Type
- See the Package Control Installation Instructions
- Once package control has been installed, bring up the command palette (cmd+shift+P or ctrl+shift+P)
- Type Install and select "Package Control: Install Package"
- Select PlatformSettings from the list. Package Control will keep it automatically updated for you
- NOTE at the time of writing this, it's not in the default Package Control channel. Please add it via
- If you don't want to use package control, you can manually install it
- Go to your packages directory and type:
- git clone
You could put settings below in your Preferences.sublime-settings by click "Preferences"=>"Settings - User":
"zy_file_header" : {
"add_on_created": true,
"file_header_format": "#*********************************************************#\n# @@ScriptName: \n# @@Author: @@author<@@email>\n# @@Create Date:\n# @@Modify Date: \n# @@Function:\n#*********************************************************#",
"file_header_format.php": "/*********************************************************#\n# @@ScriptName: \n# @@Author: @@author<@@email>\n# @@Create Date:\n# @@Modify Date: \n# @@Function:\n#*********************************************************/",
"file_header_format.c": "/*********************************************************#\n# @@ScriptName: \n# @@Author: @@author<@@email>\n# @@Create Date:\n# @@Modify Date: \n# @@Function:\n#*********************************************************/",
".py": "#!/usr/bin/env python\n# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-",
".sh": "#!/usr/bin/env bash",
"author": "your name here",
"email": "your email here",
"time_format": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
Modify Date will change each time you save(CTRL+S) the file
ScriptName will change each time you save as(CTRL+SHIFT+S) the file
CTRL + 1 could add defined header to your current file which has no header
Custom time format, using Python datetime format, please refer to
CTRL + 1 will use file ctime as @@Create Date for existed file
You could set add_on_created to false so that when file is created, the header won't be added automatically(set this to be false if you want to use multiple header formats functions now)
You could set interpreter for different language, by file extensions, such as .sh .py .java .php
Multiple header formats such as(but add_on_created should be set to false now):
"zy_file_header"{ "file_header_format.c":"xxxxxxx" "file_header_format.php": "/**/" "": "#######" }