Find code quickly in Sublime Text.
This was built to allow quick shuffling between search directories. It is useful for projects using multiple repositories to isolate noise in search results.
Find: In Current File
- OpensFind in Files
as the current fileFind: In Open Files
- OpensFind in Files
as<open files>
Find: In Project
- OpensFind in Files
as<open files>,<open folders>
Find: In...
- Shows panel to pick directory to openFind in Files
with as itsWhere
Find: Show Results Panel
- Reveals theFind Results
is available via Package Control and can be found as Find++
For manual installation, run the following script in the Sublime Text terminal (ctrl+`
) which utilizes git clone
import os; path=sublime.packages_path(); (os.makedirs(path) if not os.path.exists(path) else None); window.run_command('exec', {'cmd': ['git', 'clone', '', 'Find++'], 'working_dir': path})
Packages can be uninstalled via Package Control: Remove Package
, located in the Command Palette.
All commands are accessible via the Command Palette, Ctrl + Shift + P
on Windows/Linux, Command + Shift + P
on Mac.
The Find: In...
command opens a quick panel with relevant paths and the ability to filter.
When you search, the normal Find in Files
search will be executed with one modification. The Delete
and Backspace
key will delete an entire row rather than a single character.
Support this project and others by twolfson via gittip.
As the name of this project suggests, this plugin was started to gain the same Find
functionality of Notepad++.
Copyright (c) 2013 Todd Wolfson
Licensed under the MIT license.