This is the first drop of the upcoming 3.0 that contains a rewritten core that will be much more flexible in terms of generating versions for alternate branching strategies. The readme has been updated to include more information on how GitVersion works. See Readme
New to GitVersion? Read more at http://particularlabs.github.io/GitVersion/
Release Notes
- #370 - Eat your own dog food for GitVersion
- #366 - Better continuous deployment logic
- #365 #358 - Argument parser improvements
- #361 - Alternative refspecs contributed by João Bragança (thefringeninja)
- #360 - Wrong version is applied on a branch from a hotfix branch
- #359 - Invalid arguments should return error code +fix
- #352 - NextVersion.txt and GitVersionConfig.yaml support for dynamic repositories contributed by Geert van Horrik (GeertvanHorrik)
- #351 - DynamicRepo - NextVersion.txt file when no /target branch arg
- #336 - Dynamic Repository with GitHubFlow throws an exception
- #335 - Feature branch with GitHubFlowVersion doesn't append pre release tag +fix
- #331 - Release branch with GitHubFlowVersion doesn't append beta tag +fix
- #323 - GitFlow: Include commits in PreReleaseTag for release, hotfix and feature branches
- #292 - support for other names for tags and develop branch
- #283 - Version string for both stable and pre-release NuGet builds
- #281 - Version generated for PRs or features targeting support branches +fix
- #278 - UpdateAssemblyInfo flag does not work if is last argument +fix
- #263 - GitVersionTask doesn't fail the build when tip of head isn't a merge commit +fix
- #252 - Command line not generating proper AssemblyVersion
- #241 - Should we consider stamping AssemblyMetadataAttributes for some of our variables?
- #237 - Missing /updateAssemblyInfo command line switches help info +fix
- #232 - GitHubVersion for pull requests are not working with dynamic repositories
- #230 - Master is building as a beta package? +fix
- #228 - Support custom version tag prefix
- #218 - TagsByDate should throw if more than 1 lightweight tags are applied to the same commit +fix
- #217 - Remove branches merge commits are not identified as valid merge commits +fix
- #213 - CommitsSinceTag is incorrect +fix
- #212 - use standard version for AssemblyInformationalVersion
- #207 - SupportVersionFinder and MasterVersionFinder are too equal in content
- #202 - Possible bug in SetBuildVersion because it is adding +[number]
- #192 - What is the rationale behind not printing errors? +enhancement
- #179 - Build error when building from detached head should be downgraded to warning.
- #178 - Add option to bump minor rather than patch by default in GitVersion +enhancement
- #168 - Shift Signature along a timeline during the execution of a test