Releases: GhastCraftHD/Miniaturise
Releases · GhastCraftHD/Miniaturise
Miniaturise v.2.0
Release of Miniaturise version 2.0
A lot has changed!
- Added the adjuster tool (get it with /tool get adjuster, bound to the brush by default)
- Added the adjuster interface where you can specify what the adjuster should do (move or scale placed miniature)
- Block Displays will now only spawn for each block that borders air or a not full block (e.g. stairs, grass, hopper, etc.)
- Added /adjust command (Opens the adjuster interface)
- Added /copy command (copies all Block Displays in a selected region as a placed miniature to your clipboard)
- Added /delete command (deletes the selected placed miniature)
- Changed /clear command (this command now clears you clipboard)
- The select command now loads every Block Display in the selected region into your clipboard as a placed miniature
- Added improved chat feedback (values are now displayed, the dimension of a selected location)
- Added API support, this plugin has API to create and handle placed miniatures, Documentation coming soon™
- Added a limit for the maximum amount of Block Displays that can be spawned (default value is 1500)
That's it!
Thank you for using Miniaturise
The next update will add support for rotating of placed miniatures
If you encounter bugs, feel free to report them to me
Miniaturise pre-2.0
Unstable pre-release of Miniaturise 2.0
Version 2.0 is coming soon and with it comes the changelog
Miniaturise v1.5
Implemented proper object oriented patterns instead of static ones
Added /clear
- Use /clear to remove all miniatures from a specific region
Miniaturise v1.4
Enhanced user experience
- The miniature now sets its origin to the neares full block when it is pasted
Miniaturise v1.3
Merged /select and /miniaturise
Removed command /miniaturise
Imporved performance due to restructured internal API
Miniaturise v1.0
First fully functional release of Miniaturise.
NOTE: This plugin currently doesn't operate thread-safe.
Miniaturise v1.2
You can now change the default selection tool item with /tool set
- Added /tool command
- Added command tab completion
Miniaturise v1.1.1
hotfix for version 1.1
Miniaturise v1.1
Update with hotfixes:
- Air blocks are now not added as a block display
- The algorithm now uses the BlockData from the selection rather than just the material
- Better performance due to less entities that need to be spawned