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Releases: GhastCraftHD/Miniaturise

Miniaturise v2.4.5

21 Jun 10:34
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This update is a hotfix for version 2.4.4

  • Fixed several Metrics issues

Miniaturise v2.4.4

20 Jun 16:51
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This update is a hotfix for version 2.4.3

[FIX] Fixed severe issues with the Metrics system

Miniaturise v2.4.3

20 Jun 15:57
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  • Added Metrics to Miniaturise
  • Updated the plugin to support 1.20.5 and 1.20.6

Miniaturise v2.4.2

05 Apr 13:47
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Version 2.4.2 is a small hotfix for version 2.4.1

[FIX] Players without the miniaturise.use permission are no longer able to autocomplete Miniaturise commands

Miniaturise v2.4.1

31 Mar 14:14
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This update is a hotfix for version 2.4.0

[FIX] Delayed the Update notifier
[FIX] Centralized Interface handling
[FIX] Config will now no longer be saved on shutdown

Miniaturise v2.4.0

29 Mar 18:23
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It's been a while since the last update but it's here now!

The entire project was completely refactored. Now the code is much more readable and intuitive.
Now no deprecated or obsolete API is used anymore.
The plugins performance also increased due to the refactor.

The update notifier is now controllable via the config.
If you don't want to be alerted when a new version of Miniaturise is released just set check-for-update to false.

The /mlist command was added. It lists all the miniature files int the miniatures folder

The /madjuster and /mselector commands were added. On execution they'll give you the according tools

Miniaturise v2.3

23 Jan 16:43
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Miniaturise 2.3 is out!

All commands have been renamed and now have a prefix! (e.g. /scale -> /mscale)

You can now save and load miniatures!

  • Use /msave filename to save the miniature from your clipboard to file
  • Use /mload filename to load a miniature from a file
    filename specifies the name of the file without the file extension

An update notifier was added

Miniaturise v2.2.1

24 Dec 13:09
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Hotfix for version 2.2

The custom number input now works for servers above 1.20.2

Miniaturise v2.2

22 Dec 19:11
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Miniaturise version 2.2 is here!

The plugin now works fully asynchronously and has its own permission!

Miniaturise v2.1

12 Dec 18:02
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Changelog for Miniaturise v2.1

You can now rotate placed miniatures and single block displays!

You can either use the /rotate command or use the new rotation page of the adjuster settings

[FIX] The adjuster interface now also opens when you sneak and right click