This is a major upgrade to the local wind multipliers code following a collaboration with scientist at the Australian National University.
The processing steps are now included one required and one optional steps:
- Preprocessing step(required)
This step will merge mesh block with settlement types and produce both vector and raster merged layers. The second part of preprocessing step is to overlay merged meshblock raster layer with LCCS dataset in order to improve the categories with "Natural surface" types. The output of this step is an updated LCCS layer that is going to be used as the terrain_data for producing local wind multipliers.
- Rasterising step (optional)
Assuming having the merged shapefile from the preporcessing step, There is also one optional step between preprocessing and generating local wind multipliers. This step can be used to rasterise merged meshblock from shapefile to GeoTiff on a given topography file.
Updating docs for instructions on how to run the local wind multipliers code including each above steps.
script in the utilities folder was also updated for handling alignment and projection when writing the combined local wind multiplier raster files.