Table of contents Geode Document Hub The Staking Library 🔥 The Issue 🧯 A Solution Operator Marketplace 🟢 A Validator's Lifecycle 🔵 Maintenance Fee 🟡 Onboarding New Operators 🔴 Regulating the Marketplace 🚨 Prison Key Concepts 🪙 Staking Derivatives G-Derivatives gETH vs gAVAX 🌀 Portal 🔐 Isolated Storage 🤝 Dual Governance ⚠ Limited Upgradability ⚙ Permissionless Configurable Staking Pools 🎭 Current Interfaces ⛏ Maintainers 🛡 Withdrawal Contracts ⛑ Recovery Mode 🕗 Withdrawal Queue 🌊 Bound Liquidity Pools 🔭 Oracles Telescope Ether Telescope Avax 👾 Future of Geode Better Maintainers (WIP) Synthetic Liquidity (WIP) Dynamic Withdrawals (WIP) Further Decentralization Supporting EIP-4788 (DRAFT) Quadratic Weighted Senate (DRAFT) Degen Operators (DRAFT) Decentralized Telescope (DRAFT) Chain Sync (AVAX) (draft) Ethereum Guides 📗 Staking Pool HandBook Initiating a Customizable Staking Pool Managing Your Operator Set Changing Your Pool's Owner Manage Your Maintenance Fee Private Pools and Whitelisting Using a Bound Liquidity Pool Using Maintainers for Your Pool Securing Your Withdrawal Contract Decentralizing Your Pool 📕 Operator Handbook Get Onboarded Initiating an Operator Communicating with Portal Creating Validators Changing an Operator's Owner Switching Your Fee Switching Your Validator Period Using Maintainers Optimizing Your Revenue Exiting Validators 📘 Liquidity Pool HandBook Avalanche Guides Staking Pool Handbook Operator Handbook Developers Networks Live Contracts Avalanche v1 Ethereum v2 gETH.sol Portal.sol globals.sol DataStoreUtilsLib.sol GeodeUtilsLib.sol DepositContractUtilsLib.sol OracleUtilsLib.sol StakeUtilsLib.sol Swap.sol AmplificationUtils.sol MathUtils.sol SwapUtils.sol LPToken.sol WithdrawalContract.sol Interfaces ERC20InterfaceUpgaradable.sol ERC20InterfacePermitUpgradable.sol Audits Bug Bounties