Oracle updates the Price Merkle Root at least once a day and possibly more frequently.
- All validator pub-keys of a pool are stored in Portal.
- Oracle fetches all the pub-keys and validator specific details like fee etc.
- Total Ether amount is calculated from the validator balances, and claimable portion of the Withdrawal Contract balance.
- Total of the Fee is deducted from the total Ether.
- New price is calculated with respect to totalSupply.
- A Merkle Tree is created containing all the prices of all the pools.
- A Merkle Root of the Merkle Tree is sent to Portal by Oracle.
- Anyone can sync prices of the derivative to the Oracle price with valid proofs collected from watchers.
- Updated price will be valid for the next 24 hours, or until the next Merkle Root update.
Derivative prices can be synced by anyone with the correct Merkle Proofs.
A valid price is required whenever a deposit or a withdrawal operation is requested.
Operators can create new validators on behalf of a staking pool, up to the allowance amount set by the maintainer of the pool.
Validator creation is a 3 step process:
- Validator Proposal
- Proposal Verification
- Pooled Staking
Every validator has a unique index (0:n]
Oracle verifies the proposed validator pub-keys by simply stating the latest verified index.
While doing so, the faulty proposals that have a lower index than the new verificationIndex are excluded.
{% hint style="danger" %} These faulty proposals are called aliens and this pubkeys can not be ever used again. {% endhint %}
Alienation process results in Node Operator being imprisoned for the next 14 days, meaning it can not access to the Portal at all.
- Withdrawal credential frontrunning
- Faulty sig1
- Faulty sig31
- Stealing the block rewards from staking pools. Obviously this causes imprisonment.
- Validator is not exited by Operator although the
has past. Anyone can blame a validator and effectively imprison the Operator until the exit happens.